Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

r 64_ The Preface. knew i n their own ;Confcience, to be firmly fixed againft Popery and its Intereft in this Nation, and could not :deny, but they might be ufeful to inftru& the People in the Knowledge ofthe Truth, and encourage then by their Exampleunto the Pra&ice ofit ; ifany,I fày,thould on thfè and the like grounds, not in a way of7ecri- minat ion, nor as a Requital of the Drs. Story, but meer- ly as a necefláry Part of the Defence of their own Inno- -cency,, charge the Lime guilt ofgiving occafion unto the -growth, encreafe and danger ofPopery in this Nation, on the Epifcopal `Party, I know not now, how they could be well blamed for it, nor what will be done of that kind. For they who will take Liberty to fpeak what they pleafe, muft be content fometimes to hear what will difpleafe. For my part I had rather if it were poffible, that thefe things at prefent might be o- mitted, and that all thole whoare really united in oppo- fition unto Popery, as I am aflùred in particular that this Reverend Author and I am, would rather confi- der howwe might comeout ofthe danger of it wherein we are, then at prefent to conteft how we came unto it. This I fpeak ferioufly, and that under the confideration of this Difcourfe, which upon the Account of fundry Mifiakes in Matter ofFaa, ofgreat Defe&s in point of. Charity,with á drfign to expole others unto reproach for their great Crimes, of being willing to be a little freed frombeing beaten, fed, punifbedand imprifned, by their means, and on their Accounts, is as apt to excite new Exafperations, and to provoke the Spirits of then con- cerned, as any I have read oflate. However the De fence ofour own -Innocency muft not be forfaken. But Conquefitperbaforet Babylonfpolianda Trophæis. It