Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

The Preface. 65 It is not Praife-worthy to abide in thefe contefts be- yondNeceffity. This Difcourfe indeed of the Reverend Author is en- creafed into fo large a Volume, as might juftly difcourage any from undertaking theExamination ofit, who huh any other neceffary Duties to attend unto. But ifthere be feparated from it, the confideration of Stories of Things and Perfons long fince paft, wherein we are not concerned, with the undue Applicationofwhat was writ- ten by force of the Antients againft the Schifines in their days,unto our prefent Differences; as alío the Repetiti- on ofa Charge that we do not refrain Communion from the Parochial Churches on the Grounds and Reafons, which we know to the contrary that we do ; with the Report and Quotations of the Words and Sayings of Men, by whole Judgement we are not determined ; with frequent Diverfions from the Queftion, by attempt- ing Advantages from this or that pillage or Expreffion in one or another ; and the Rhetorical ,,Qggrevations of things that might be plainly exprefred, and quickly if fued; and the controverfie may be reduced into a nar- rower Compaf. It is acknowledged that the Difrences which are a- mongít Proteftants in this Nation, are to be bewailed, becaufe of the Advantages which the Common Enemy ofthe Protefiant Intereffi doth endeavour to make there- by. Howbeit the Evil Confequences of them do noti arife from the Natureofthe things themfelves, but from the Interefts, Prejudices and byaffed Affeetions of them amongft whom they are. Nor fhall any man ever be a- ble to prove, but that on theDoCfrinal ,Âgreement which we all profefs, (provided it be real) we may, notwith- aanding the Diffèrences that remain, enjoy all that Peace K and