Ito The `prefacc. Power to believe,that a PeremptoryCharge ofSchifineup- onany Diflenters, confidering what is the Apprehenfion and Judgement of tholewho make that Charge concern- ing it, with refpe& unto God and Men, is a means to unite us in one common Religious Intereft. And on this Account, not knowing in the leaft that any other `_Perfn had undertaken, or would undertake the Con- fideration ofthe Drs. Sermon, I thought that Myendea- vour for the removal of the Obrfacle cart in the way unto a lncere Coalition in tie Unity of Faith among all forts of Proteftants , might not be unacceptable. Neither did I fee any other way whereby this might be done, but only by a Vindication of the Diffentersfrom the Guilt ofthat slate, which if it be truly charged on them mull render our Divifions irreconcileable. And contin- uing fä11 ofthe fame Mind, I have once more renewed the fame Defenfative, with no other Delign but to main- tain hopes, that Peace and Love may yet be preferved among us, during the continuationof thefe Differences And whereas it is a work of Almighty Power, to reduce Chriftian Religion unto its firft Purity and Simplicity, -which will not be effected but by various providential Difpenfations in the World, and renewed EffiufIons of the Holy Spirit, front above ; which are to be waited for .; and feeing that all endeavours for National Reformation are attended with infuperable Difficulties, few Churches being either able or willing to extricate themfelves, from the Duft ofTraditions and Tinre, with the Ruft ofSe- cular Interefts ; I would hope that they {hall not be al- ways the Object ofpublick Severities, who keeping the 2nity of the Spirit in the Bond ofTruth and Peace, with all fincere Difciples ofChrift everywhere, :dßá defignno- thingbut a Reformation ofthemfelves and their ways,by an