Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

The Preface. 71 an univerfal compliance with the Will and Word of Chrifi alone, whom God bathcommanded them in all things to hear and obey. The Redutlion, I fay, ofthe Profeflion ofChrifliani- ty in general, unto its Priuzitive Purity, Simplicity, Se- paration from the World, and all implication with Secu- lar Interefls, fo as that it Ihould cornprize nothing but the Guidanceof the Souls ofMen in the Life ofGod, to- wards the Enjoyment of him, is a Work more to be prayedfor to come in its proper feafon, thento be.expel ed in this Age. Nor do any yet: appear fitted in the leafs Meafure for the undertaking, or attempting, fùch a Work, any farther thenby their own Perfonal Profedi- on and Example. And whilfk things continue amongfi `Proteflant Churches, in the State wherein they are, un- der the Influence ofdivided fecular Interefls, and a_ d- vantagious Mixtures with them, with the Reliques of the Old General Apofialie, by differences in points of Doctrine, in Rules of Difcipline, in Orders of Divine Worfhip, it is in vain to look for any Union or Com- munion among them, in a compliance with any certain *le of7Jniformity, either in the Profef onofF iith, or in the Practice ofWorfhip and Difcipline. Nor would filch an Agreement among them, could it beattained, be ofany great Advantage unto the important ends of Re- ,l'i`gi"on.,_ unless a Revival ofthePower ofit in the Smiles of r/v1en, do accompany it. In the mean time, the Glory of our Chriftian Profefion in Righteoufnefs, Holinefs, and a vifible Dedication of its Profeffors unto God is much loft in the World, innumerable Souls perifhing through the want ofeffedualmeans for their Converfion and Edification. To attempt publick1 ztionai Refrm i- tion, while( things Ecclefiakiickand Civil are fìß involved as