Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

CHAP. I. :Of the Orizinal o f Churches. H E N any thing which is pleaded to be- long unto Religion , or the Worfhip of God, is propofed unto us : Our firft Confideration of it ought to be in that Enquiry, which our Lord Jefus Chrift made of the t'harifees concerning the Ba ti m .a ohn; es Whence is it? fromHeaven or ofMen? He f things which come underThat Plea or Pretence , into etwo o heads, as unto their Original and Efficient caufe; namely, Leaven and Men. And thefe are not only diffèrent and di- ftind, but fo contradi&ory one unto another, that as unto any thingwherein Religion or the Worfhip of God is con- cerned, they cannot concur as partial caufès of the fame ef= fea. What is of Men is not rom Heaven? and from Heaven is not of Men. And hence is his dctermaina, tion concerning both .forts of th. i things; Every plant which my Heavenly Father bath not planter/, "hall le rooted up. Mat. i 5. 13. B Defign-