Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(3) think of receiving it as from Heaven, as a Divine Inftitu- tion. But I have treated of this fubje& in other Dif- courfes. z. The Name, Pretence and prefumed tower ofthe Church or Churches,have beenmade and ufed as thegreateft Engine for the promoting and fatisfying the Avarice, Senfuality, Ambition, and cruelty ofmen, that ever was in the world. Never any thing was found out by men or Sathan himfelf, fo fitted, fuited, and framed to fill and fatisfie the lulls of multitudes of men, as tuis of the Church hash been, and yet continues to be: For it is fo ordered, is of that make, conftitution and ufe, that corrupt men need deftre no more for the attainment of Wealth, Honour, Grandeur, Pleafure, all the ends of their Lulls fpiritual or carnal , but a (hare in the Government and power of the Church; nor bath an int:ereft therein been generally ufed unto any other ends. All the Pride andAmbition, all the flagitious lives inLuxury, Senfuality, Uncleannefs, Incefts, C5'c. of Popes, Cardinals, Prelates, and their Companions, with their hatred unto, and opprefiion ofGood men, arofe from the advantage of their being reputed the Church. To this very day, the Church here and there as it is efteemed, is the greateft means of keep.ng Chriftian Religion in its power and purity out of the world ; and a temptation to multitudes ofmen,to prefer the Churchbefore Reigion, and to be obftinate in their op- pofitions unto it. Thefe things beingplain and evident unto wife men, whohad no (hare in the confpiracy, nor the be- nefit of it, how could they think that this Church-State was from Heaven andnot of Men. 3. By the Church (fo efteemed) and in purfuit of its In- terefts, by its Authority and Power, innumerable multi- tudes of Chriftians have teen ,/lain or murdered, and the earth foked with their Blood. Two Emperours ofGermany alone, fought above eighty lattels for, and againft the pre- B z tended