Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(7) although the people whereofthey confift -, are of another faith than thofe of the Roman Church, are like unto it in their make and conftitution, exercifing the Right , power and authority which they claim unto themfelves by fuch ways and means, as are =plainly of this World and of their own invention, they do leave it highly queftionable from whence they are as fuch : For it may be made to appear that fuchChurches fo far as they are fuch,areobftrutive of the foie endofail Churches, which is the Edifcation ofthem thado believe; however any that are ofthem, or belong, unto them, maypromote that end by their perfonal endea- vours. But notwithftanding all thefe things, it is moll certain,, that Churches are of a Divine Original; that theyare the or- dinance and inftitution of Chrift. I am not yet arrived in the order of this Difcourfe, to a convenient feafonofde- claring what is the efpecial nature, ufe and end of fuch Churches as are fo the Inf itutioni ofGod ; and fo to give a definition of them, which lhall be done afterwards ; but treat only as unto the general notion ofa Church, and what is, fignified thereby. Thefe are ofGod. And in thofe Churct:es . before defcribed under a corrupt, degenerate eftate, three things may be confidered, (i) What is of man without the leali pretence unto the appointmentor command of God. Such is the very Form Fabrick and Conllitution of-the Church of Rome, and thofe that depend thereon or are con- formed thereunto; That which it is , that where,y it is what it is, in its Kind, Government, Rule and End, is alt ofman,Without the leali countenance given unto it from any thing of God's Infitution. This is that which through a long efedual working cf men and Sathan, in a myftery of iniquity, it arrived unto4 Herewith the Saints of God ought to have no compliance, but bear witnefs against it with their lives, ifcalled thereunto This in due time the Lord