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PromifedofOld. ga did he concern himfelf pertonally in the Nationsof the Earth beyond his öwn Fa- mily. Another therefore is to be looked after in whom they may be bleffed. And this we mutt further demonttrate, to evince the perverfnets of the fetus who ex- elude all others betides themfelves from an intereft in thefe Promifcs made to. Abra- ham; at lean ihslefs they will come into fubjection unto them, and dcpcndana upon them. So high conceits have they yet Of themfelves in their low and miferable con- dition. The next time therefore that he is 'mentioned in the Scripture , it is laid trot) rtnp., 1`) to him (hall be, the gathering of the Peoples. Grn. 49. 10. concerning which place we muff treat afterwards at large. The People of the world , diltinct from Judah(hall gather themfelves unto him; that is, for fafety and deliverance, orto be made.partakers of the Promifed Blefrng. HenceBalaam among the Gentiles Prophefied of him , Num..z4. v. 17, 19 And Job among the childrenOf the E(41 that were not of the Pofterity of Ifaac, profeffed his faith in him ; Chap. 19. v. 25. tI171 9y 7y rim )11 17141 1fl3,771 1241. And I know that my Redeemer liveth, or isliving, and afterwards, hefhall fiend on the earth, or rife on theDull. He believed that therewas a Silt a Redeemer promifed, one that fhould free him from fin and mifery. Aben Ezra by my Redeemer underfiandeth a man that would afsift him, or judge more favourably of his Caufethan his friends at that time did ; its '1t' to1 í17w. And hisComment on 1fl and rim:, is very fond ; 1711w jt'1flt3 ren, tt4 t=na 01't ton , Ile is at prefent Living , or be (hall be born hereafter. But is this 'n Thy a living Redeemer, in a 03 , the living one, isa Proper- ty ofGod ; He is 9ea:.iwe, the living God, -t Tim. 4.v.IO. i µáve' yxur dtavaofar, r Tim.6. i6. who alone hath immortality. A mortal' man is not rightly .called a livingRedeemer one that hathlife in his power. Befides, Job met with no fuch Redee- mer out ofhis troubles; and thereforeR.Levi Ben. Gerfbomconfeffeth thatit is God who is intended ; 17M317 01171 1rt í41r1 -Iwa4, who is the Living One and liveth to Eternity. Of this Redeemer, Job faith, he lhallfiandon the Earth, or arifi on the dufl; if the words be taken in the former feule( as they will bear either ) his Incarnation and coming into the world, if in the latter his Refurreiiion out of the dull, is intended. The former feems molt probable, and theEarth is exprefled by 19y, theduff, to denote the infi- elite condefcention of this Redeemer in coming to converfe on this dull that we live inand upon. And this he (hall do lnnty. The word is ufed to exprefs the Eter- nity of God. ¡11115 1)t4 Z1wat1 '2tf, Ifa. 44.v.6. I am thefill, and I am the 14 ; fo Chap. 48.1t. WhenceKalbag before mentioned, interprets this exprefsion, with re- fpeâ to.the works that God (hall do in the earth in the latter ¿ayes. And in this re- .fpe6t our God is Paid to be Alphaand Omega, the fir(t and the lag, the beginning and the ending. He that abides thus the fame after all, (hall handon the Earth. But the word alto is often joynedwith-11, a Generation, á time, a feafon : Pfalm 48. 4, 6, 54. Pfalm 102. v.19. and denotes thefuturition of it; thatit is to come, and (hall come. So altowith 011, a day ; as If. 3o. v.8. pointing out tome (ìgnal latter day. And here it is ufed abfolutely for (0te1rt r11lnN1, in the latter ¿ayes, which is the ordi- nary defcription and defignation of the Dayes of the Meffiah in the OldTeftament. This is that which Job expeëted, which he believed. Though he was among the Gentiles, yet hebelieved the Promife, and expeéted his own PerfnalRedemption by the bleffed feed: And thus althoughGod confined thePofierityipf Abraham after the flefh unto the Landof Canaan, yet becaufe in the Promifed Seed he was to be Heir of the World, he gives unto the Melliab,the Heathen to be his inheritance, and the turnoff parts ofthe Earthfor bis Pof eeflion, Pfelm. z. v.8: And upon the accompli(hment ofthe work afsignedunto him, he promifeth, that all the Ends of the world (hall remember and turn Unto the Lord, and all the Kindreds of the Nations(hall worfhipbefore him, Pfalm 22. v.27. a plain declarationof the Gentiles coming in for their (hare and interelt in the Re- demption wrought by him. See Pfal. 45. v. 16. For thefe Rebellious odes was he to receive gifts that the Lord God might dwell among them, Pfalm.68.v.18. So that by him .:Egypt and /Ethiopia wereto firetchforth their bands untoGod, v. 31. Tea, all King: were to bow down to him, and all Nations to lime hitte , Pfaffn72. v. 11, 1203, r4, 15,16,17 ° Thefe poor Gentiles were the little Sifter of the Judaical Church which Were to be provided for_in the love ofher Spoufe, theMefsiah, Cant. 8. v.8, 9. For in thelag ¿ayes, the dayes of the Mefsiah, many People; yea, all Nations, are to be brought unto the houle oftheLord, and to worftip him 1 acceptably, If. 2:V. 2, 3, 4. And expr Clap