Pyomifit of the IVIeiah Vindicated. Exercitatio IX. 95 The Fiat Promife explained in the Calfquent. The Name Mefsiah filch= ufed in the Ori- ginal ; frequently in the Tarpons. unto, him erein me their ag ain the prefent Gen. 35. Occafion of the mention of the fsiah in that place , from Micah 4. 8. Genefis 49. I. a,my rrrit.t fiffy mentioned. V. to. Vntill Shilo come. Agreement of Targums- Exod. 12. v. 42. ChriJE typified by the Pafchal Lamb. Exod. 40. 9. izunp yip who t Dan. 9.25. Numb. 11.26. Tradition about the Poo Targums of ; Eldad andMedad. Numb. 21. 5, 24. I9 The4Prophet promifed who. I Sam. 2. io. Han- .nas Prophecy a6 7s of Solomo sa PropI'eie. DLig t of the Church rinereafèd by David. I Kings 3, 4. Pfal. 2. Vindicated. ['fal.a8.v.32:'Pfal . za Pfal. 45. Pfal. 68.PCa1.69.PfaL7a. Targum, Midrafb ; Commentators' Vulgar Latin corrupted : and the LXX. riN and iv What. Pfal. 8O.v. 16,I8. j1 how to be rendered. 1=172,2 11 who. Pfal. 1 to. Prophe- fie of the M. Ch. C.V.2.nVicate . Chap. 9.v 6. Selig oftth Solomons 7argum on the lac. Vulgar Chap. 4. place. Latin noted. Inignglentmef of from this Aben Ezrar things promifed, not agreeing to Hezekia. Anfwer f J Name mentioned whofe. t=n`lv1 `tu who. Anfiner of Abarbinel. Of the increafe cf his Government. Chap. to. V. 27. Chap. 1 I. I. Abarbinels Predillion of the ruin of he ruption I Tra 16. I. Chap. 28. v. Original.p Melfiah, Jehovah our on 3d. v.2Jlations. 16. Hof. Hof: a 8. oujneß. Ezek. 37. v. 24 Jerem. 3o. 2r. Jerem. 33. 15, 3.5. 4' Micha 5.2. Vindicated. Kimchi's BlaJ¢herny. Z 3 ro 8. Chap. Chap.6. es. Chap. 10.4. Chap. 9.9 Chap. It. 12, 13. Chap. fi Aving coüfidered the fitti great Promife concerning the Mfkah, and evinced $,E, FEfrom thence the nature of his Work and Office; as allo (hewed in general! howTeftimony is given unto him throughout the OldTefiament, andwhence his Name is derived ; we (hall nowmoreover enquire in particularinto chore places where he is expertly foretold, promifed, or prophefied of, that we may thence gather what farther Lightconcerning his Perfan, and Natures, with his employment was granted unto the Church ofold, which the prefent Jews wilfully rejeL. And herein, asI aimnot to coiled all the Prophecies and Promifes which God gave con- cerning him, by the mouth of his holy Prophets from the foundation of the World, but only to fmgie oat Come of the moil eminent that give us a direél defcription of hisPerlon or his Grace, in anfwer untp, or the confirmation of what bath been already difcourfed about them s fo I (hall have an efpecial refpec unto them, which the Jews themfelves do acknowledge to belong unto him... There is a Book writ- ten by Abarbinel which he calls ;ism Irowo, wherein he undertakes to explain all thofe Texts ofScriptuse, or Prophecies, which cannot be underffood either Spiritu- ally, or of the Second Temple, but of their Redemption by the Mefah. This at pre- lent, among others, I am forbidden the ufe of, which might have been of Advan- tage in the prefent defign. I (hall therefore principallyinfrl on thofe places , which are applied unto him in theTargums, the moil AuthentickWritings among( them, whereunto Come others (hall be added, which I have obferved tobe interpretedunto thefame purpofe, in the beftof their Commentators. The name ofMef'ah is but twiceor thrice at mod ufed in the OId Teflament, di- d ,,, redly and immediately to denote the Promifed Seed. Namely Dan. 9. C. 25. and v. 26. whereunto PJèlm 2. v. 2. may be added. ButthisName, on the Reafons before given, prevailing in the JudaicalChurch, it is frequently madeufe of, and inferred in theTargums, where he is- treated of, although he be not exprefly named in the Original. Elias in his Methurgamim reckons up fifty of thofe places, whereunto one