1C4 Promnites of the Mefsiah Vindicated. heating of, prepared to war againft him, 2Sam. 5. 17. This is the conceit ofRafhi; who therein is followed by fundryChriJtianExpofitors,withno advantage to theFaith. And I prefume they obfervednot theReafon hegives for his Expofition ; Our Ma- fters, faith he, of blend memory, interpret this Pfalm of the King Mefioh; 1ytcum +9`71 111 7y 1w1'o7 ¡t7] p]1a7 nown71, but ar the words found, and to anfwer the Fl::re- ticks, it is meet, or right to expound it ofDavid. Thofe words í1]1o7 n11wn41, and that we may anfwer the Heretickr, or Chriflans, are left out in the Venice and Bafil Editions of his Comments, but were in the old Copies of them. And this is the plainKeafon why they would apply this Pfalm toDavid, of whom not one Verle of it can be truly and rightly expounded, as (hall be manifefled elfewhere s And it is a wifeanfwer which they give in MidrafhTehiiint unto that Tellimony or v. 7. where Gods calls the Mefliab his Son , to prove him to be the natural Son of God. _ti 1]1N 7PN 14n 74 Trait] ;1nN1 t11717 t7 w1 t ent ¡nu) t']st4 raw IN2o rims 1]1 -NON ; And hence we may have anAnfaver for the Hereticls, tvíoofay, that the holy bleJJidGod bath a Son. But do thou anfwer, he foyer not thou art a Son to me but thou art mySon. As though 1]7 r1112Z, thou art mySon, did not more dire h1y ex- preis the Filiation of the perfora fpoken of, than rim 14 p would do. 1]1 is more emphatically expreffiveofa natural Relation, then 14 t7, my Son, than a Son to me ; S_c Gen. 27.21. And in this Pfalm we have a good part of the Creed of the Alined Churchconcerning the Meffiah, ás may be learned from the Expofition of it. 0 20. Pfal. í8.v.32. Targums Becauf of the Miracles andRedemptionwhich thouihalt rt'a for thy Mcfiah. I mention this placeonly, that it may appear, that the-Jews had a Tradition amongft them, that David in this PJie/m bare the proton of the Melia'', and was confidered as his Type. And hence our Apoltle applies thole words , v. 3. 117D714t, I will put my haft in him, untothe Lord Jefus Chrift, Heb. 2. v. 13. See alfoPfalm 20. v. ¡. lit. 21. Pfal. 21. v. r. TheKing fhall joy in thy Jtrength 0 Lord. Targum, Ntrwtl N7`0, the KingMef ioh fhall rejoyce. v. 7. For the King trufteth in the Lord. Targum ; Mf iab the King. And in MidrafhTehiliim thofe words of v.3. Thou Jitteft a Crown of pure Goldon his head, are áilo applved unto nim. There is nomention of him in the Targum on Pfalm 22. nor in the Midrafb ; but we that afterwards prole- at larde, that whole Pfalm tobelong unto him, and to have been fo acknowledged by thine of their an- , tient Matters, againfi the Oppolìtionsand Cavils of their latter Seducers. 4. 22. PfaL45. The Targum bath given an efpeciál Title unto this Pfalm , u?V N71w4 7w;]1 ¡rrir D Inn', A Pfalm of Praife for the Elders (Affeffors) of the Sanhedrim of Motes: intimating that fornething eminent is contained in it. And thofe words, V. 2. Thou art fairer than the children ofmen ; are rendered in it NrI1W N74D 11D1w Nw] 1]711 ; Thy Beauty OKing Meab is more excellent than that of the Sons of Men ; And Grace, in the next words is interpreted by rain) tiri the Spirit of Pro- phecy; not amifs ; And thofe words v.7. Thy Throne 0God is for ever and ever , re retained with little alteration.. Mtn, 1tJ41.717 í77!p n Tip '17117, The Seat of thy Glory 0God, remaineth for ever andever: applying itunto the Mefiah; which illultri- ous Teltìmony givenuntohis Deity, fhall bevindicated in our Expofition of the words, asicited by our Apoftle; Heb. 8. Kimchi expoundsthis Pfalm of theM:fah. AbenEzra Cayes, it is fpoken of David, t=1 ll 7 D11'1 ,Numnay 111 10th tow 1]3. n`1ED 4y 1N or concerning Mefiah his Son, who is likewifi called David; as David myServant f70311 be their Princefor ever. Ezek. 37. V. 25. 4. 23. Pfalm 68. & 69. are illufirious Prophecies ofthe Meffiah, though the Jews take little notice ofthem; and that becaufe they treat of two things which they will not ac- knowledge concerning him ; Theformer exprelfeth him to be God, v.17, 18. and the other his. fufjerings from God ándmen, v. 26. both which they deny and op- pofe. But in ShemothRabba, Seel. 35. they fay of the !=r]Ow7, v. 32. The Princes that frail come out of 'Egypt, rnwmi 14D4 ¡1111 N177ä ¡111ny 11101N7 47; All Nations fhall bring gifts to the King 41effiah, referring the Pfalm to his dayes and work. The fameExpofition is given of theplace in Midrafh, Either, cap. 1. v. r. and by R. Obodia Haggaon on the Place. t. 4, PfaL72.v.I. Give the King' thy judgements0God; Targ. romp N711í t/ -pin nnS r Give the fentence of thy judgement unto the KingMeffiah. And hereinthey generally agree. Midrafh on the Title; 1w1 pin -oil NTS11 1tcN]V7 rrwori ; This is the King Mefftah,ar it is laid, a Rod(hall comeforth from theJtemm of Jeffe, Ifa.1 r. v. t. AndAben . Ezra on the fame Title ; n1100 fly 1N rem 4y iribt in rNni;. A Prophecy