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Pramifèc of the Me f iah hír tlicatéd. 1.93. 'Prophecy ofDavid, or of one of the Singers, concerning Solomon , or concerning, the 11,151h.. And Kimrhi acknowledgeth that this Pfalm is expounded by many of them concern- ing the Meriab. Ra(hi applies it unto Solomon, as a Prayer of David for him ; where- of he gives this as the oceafìon : 1"11 nNto `71Nw4 lrnv Nino '11í`t rill rw y>,nwt1 -t1nw4 r'11`7 14;- He prayed this Prayer for his Son Solomon, becaufé he faze by the Holy GINO that be would .ark of God an heart to undetftand, and keep, or do Judge- mazt. And although be endeavours vainly to apply a. 5. unto his. daycs, They ¡hall f ar thee as 19ng as the Sun and Moon endure; and v.7. Inhis dayes /bá11 the Righteous flouriJh; and abundance of Peace, 1-1-0 1`71 -p, until/ there be ay) Minn ; yet when he cometh unto thole words, v. 16. 1(1N1 11 non ,7t the Jhalll; be an handful! of Corn in the E.zrth, he adds, Our Milers interpret this of the Cates or Dainties in the Dayer of the MJb ob, and expound the wholePfálm concerningMeffiah the Xing ; And this he was enforced unto , left he (horrid appear too openly to contradidt the Talmudtdis, who frequently apply this Pfalm unto him, and have long D!fcourfes about Tome, paffagr s in it, efpecially this 11 non, v. 16. and 1tCw 11]1 wtlw Vt, v. 17. which are much inlined on by _h7artinus Raymundtts, Petrus Galatinus, and others. The vulgar Latin for 11 non, reads erit Firmamentum ; in terra, which I fhocld flipped: to he corrupted fromfrumezztum ; but that 'the LXX who are followed ati,o by otherTraüflations, as the An/NA and tEthiopick, read t4etyaas firmamentum. And this Tome think to be corrupted from airs 8cáytao, an handfisll of Corn, which is very probable. Neither is the word non anywhere elfe rifled in the Scripture, and may as well have fomething frreign in it , as come from D9, t= ).9. So alfo e. 17, p), is no where elfe ufed for fobalefeet, brpliabit,' as it is here rendered ; from 713 a. Son, which is but thrice ufed in that fignitication ; Gen. 21. V. z3. by a Philittin ; and yob 18.v. 19. by anArabian ; and lfa. 14. v. 22. concerning a Son among the Chal- deans ; which argue it to le a ferretyword ; being properly ufed in a Prophetic of the calling of the Gentiles, as this is ; fo in the fame fubje& it is Paid l=rittin Cháfmamzim fhall. come to the Meffiah, PCl. 68. 32.. which we render Princes, and it may be fuch were intended ; but the word terms to be"Egyptian for Hebrew it isnot, though afterwards ufed among the yews , whence the family of Mattathiac were called Flafmoneanr. Bat to- return; it is evident that in -this Pflm. much light was communicated unto the Church of old, into the Office, Work, Grace, Cornpaffionand rule of floe Melba '', with the Calling, and gloriousaccefsof the Gentiles unto Man. There is mention likewife made Of him in the Targumon Pfzlm S. v. 16. The vine- yard Which thy right band bathplanted; 14 nntCN Z1"4P1 and on the branch thou haft made !front; far thy fill; fo our Tranllationt but all Old Tranflations, as theLXX, vulgar Latin, Syriac!', interpret p not fn Analogie unto the preceding Allegory of the Vine, but from o1Nj1 o.18. and render it, ¢zzl 43 d afd,,re ; Satper filium heminis, and upon the Son of man, whom thou madeft!Stang for thy fell. Targum, N7`13 `fyi ,Nn41n1 Nr11iV and for the King Melia'' whom thou haft ftrengthened or forti- fied, for thy fèlf. And we know how lignally ii, the Gofpel he calls himfelf the Son of man ; and among other names afcribed untohim theTalmurli is lay, he is called jinnon, from j12 a Son. And e. 18. he is exprefly called O ht p,, the Son of man, whom thou maden lirong for thy felf; And hereunto doth Aben Ezra refer the j1 in the foregoing Verfè. And for that expreffion, 1]10+ w1N-4y. 111 'onn, let thy hand be upon the man of thy Eight band ; he obferves, 1Nla`7 n1" 1 r i mmi 't1 47, when ever Jad thehand,that is the hand of God, hathBeth following it, it is for reproach orpunifhment, unto them whom it refpetfs; as Exod. 9. v.3.1?pn1;1111 `1111 -11 "list, Behold the hand of the Lord is upon thy Cartel , that is, for their delirudioti. And fl1w4 N111 171 "11 rwitit t=N1, if Beth follow not , it is for praire , or help ; as Pfalm 119.v. 173. 1]1t9'2 -11. +nn, let thine hand help me, or be for my help. So that the words are a prayer for the Son of man, And as our Lord Chrift was the Son of man ; Co he was the true Vine, whereof the Father is the Husbandman, and his Di- Ciples thebranches, John 15.0.1,2 3, 4, 5. And he himfelf alto. was called out of :"Egypt, Matth.2.v. t5. as was the Vine fpoken of in this P/Am ; fo that, he who is affliéted in all the afflidtions of his People, is principally intended in this Prophetical Pfálrri. Aben Ezra wouldhave the Son of man, to be Ifrael ; but not Peeing how well it canbe accommodated unto them, he adds, the words may refpedf Meffiah BenEphra- im an Idól of their own letting up. Bat the Targum acknowledgeth the true. Mef iah here ; Forwhole Cake the Church is bleffed, andby whom it is delivered. The s mothPflalzn is a figual Próphetie of ]rim ; defcribing his Perlon, Kingdom; Prieft- 4. 25. 4. 26.