1044 frfanife.t of the Mefrrah Vindicated. Priefthood, and the work of Redemption, wrought by him. But whereas fundry things in thisPfalm, are interpreted and applied unto the Lord Chriiff by our Apo file in his Epiftle unto the Hebrews, where they fall direelly under out confideration , I fhalt here only briefly refleét on fome of their own confffions, although it be a fig- nal declarationof thefaith of the Church ofold, fcarcely to beparallel'd in any other, place. Thelater 1Vlaffers indeed obfervinghow direerly and openly this PJalm is applied unto the LordChrifl in theNewTeflament, and how plainly all the Paffages of it are accommodated unto the Faith of Chriifianr concerning the MM¡fìah, his Office and Work, do endeavour their utmoft to wreft it unto any other, as (hall elfewhere be manifefted. Yea, the Targum its felf is here filent of the Meah, for the very fame Reafon, and perverts thewholePfalm to apply it unto David,; and yet is forced on v. 4. to refer the things fpoken ofunto the World to come, or Dayes of the Mefah. ',And the molt of their Mailers whenthey mention this Plaint occalionally, and mind not theControverfie theyhave about it with Cbriflians, do apply it unto him. So doth theMidrafb Tehillim on Pfaint 2 v. 7. andalfo on this Pfalm, v..I. though therebe an endeavour therein foolifhly towreft it unto Abraham. Ra. Saadias Gaon; on Dan. 7. v. 13. whole words are reportedby Solomon Jarchi onGen. 35. V. 8. Ra. Aran,: on Gen. 15. ashe is at large citedby Munger on thisPfalm. Mofes HHddarlhan on Gen. i 8. v. t..Ra. Obediah, on theplaces All whofe words it would be tedious here to report. It is fufficiently manifeft that they have an open conviction, that this Malin contains a Prophecy concerning theMeffiab ; and what excellent things are revealed therein touching his Perron, and Offices, we (hall haveoccalion to declare in thA Expolhion of the Epiffle its felf, wherein the molt material paffages of it, are applied unto our LordJejtse Cbrift. . 4, In theTargum.on the Canticke there is frequent mention alfo of the Mefah; as . Chap. 1. v. 8. Chap.4. v. 5. CNap.7.v. 14. Chap. 8. v. 1, 2,354. But becauíè the Jews are utterly ignorant of the true Spiritual fenfe of that DivineSong, and the Targum of it, is a confuted Mifcellany of things fufñciently heterogeneous, being a much later endeavour than the molt of thofe on the other Books, I (hall not particularly inftft on the places cited, but content my fell with diredting. the Reader unto them. The l kealto may befaidof EccleJ: Chap.t.v. t t. Chap. 7. v. 25. where without any occafion from the Text, the mention of him is importunely inculcated by the Targumilts. §.2g, We are now entringon the Prophets, thePrincipal Work of tomewhereof, was-to teffifte beforehand thefur rings ofChriJf, and the Glory that was to follow, r Pet. s. v. i r. And therefore I donot at all defign togather up in our paffage all that is foretold, promifed, declared and taught concerning him in them, (a work right worthy of more peace, leifure and ability than what in any kind I am entrufted withal) but only to report fome of the molt eminent places; concerning which we have the common fuffrage of the Jews in their general Application unto theMeffiab. Among there, that.of Ifaiah, Chap.2.v.2,3,4. occurreth in the firft place. And it fhallcome topaß in the loft dayes, that theMountain of the.houfe of the LordJhall be effablifhed in the top ofthe Mountains, and (hall be exalted in the top of the Hills, and all Nations fhall flow unto it: andmanypeople /hall go andfig, come ye, and let us go up to the Mountain of the' Lordto the Houle of the God of Jacob, andbe will teach ne of.his Ways , and we will in list Paths: For out of ZionPall go forth the Law, and the Word, of the Lord from Jerufalem. Andhefhall'judge among the Nations, and ¡hall rebuke many people, and they /ball beat their Swords into Plowfloares. The fame Prophetie is given out byMicah , in the fame words, Chap. 4. v.. t; '2, 1. And by the common confuse of the Jews, the Meah is here intended although he be not mentioned , in the Targum. The Talmudical Fable alto of the lifting up of Jerufalem threeLeagues high, and the letting ofMount Moriah on the top of Sinai, Carmel, and Tabor whichfhall be brought together unto that pur- pole, mentioned in Midraflo Tehellim, and in BabaBathra; diffinc. Hammocjoer, is wrefted from therewords. But thofe alfo of themwho pretend to more fobriety, do ge-, nerally apply them to the promifedMefliah. Kimchi gives it for a Rule, that that èxpref(ion, =loll rn MS3 in the latter dayes , doth Rill 'denote the times of the Mefliah, which I fuppofe is not liable unto any exception. And as he giveth sa tolerable Expofitiòn of the eflablithing of the Mountain of the Lord , on the top óf the Mountains, affigningit to theGlory of the Wor(hipof God, above all the Falleand IdolatrousWor(hip of the Gentiles, which they obferved onMountains and High Places, Co concerning thofe words, v.4. OtbI1 jt3 ISO, he Pall judge among