rod . Promifes of the ilefiiah Yindicated. yield abetter fenfe'thana facie admirabilis Confilü Dens ; or that which they are call into by Seb. Munfier; mirificantis confilium Deo fortifneo qui manes in fecula. For there . is no need a we have feen that the words thould be caft into the Genitive Cafè by 01p 'D. And although the Targumfff rendreth 89" the Participle, Counfellor, by the Subflantive 789 Counfell, yet this hinders not , but that it may exprefs one of his Names: Wonderful!, Counfell, God ; or mirficans confiliumDeus'; or, the God of Won- derfull counfell. One, from fome of the Jews , takes another way to pervert theft words. Confrliarites, Deus fortis, into faith he, Confultator Dei fortis i - i. ui in omni- bus negotiis conll a a Deopefcet, per Propheras feilicer ; whereby this clear and honou- rable Teflimony given unto the Deity of our Lord Jefus Chrill , is weakned and impaired. r Again the7argumiif renders ó1p1 be called, by +lprlb1 in a Paflive Senfe ; which obviates theprincipal exception of the Modern Jews, who interpret it Atïively, that it' may be referred to God the Wonderful! Counfellor , who ,fhall call him the Prince of Peace. But as this is contrary to the Targiun, fo alfo to the life of the word in like cafes. For this Declaration of the Name of the Child promifid, anfwers theProclamationmade of the NameofGod, Exod.34.v.6. where kiln is well rendered byOurs, andproclaimed, or, and there was proclaimed ; the nape following founded inhis ears. Where the Vulgar Latin tranflating the word Actively, and applying it unto Mofes; Stetit Mofecum es invocaba nomen Domini, quo tranfunte coram eo ait, Domi- nator Vomisse Deus ; Motesflood with him calling on the Name ofthe Lord, who pafSvg by be Paid, O mightyRuler,LoedGod both corrupts the proper fenfe of the words, and gives us that which is directly untrue: For not Mofes, but God himfelfgaveout and proclaimed that Name as it is faid exprefly that he would do, Chap. 3 3. v. 19. and as Mofes himfelfafterwards pleaded that he had done, Numb. 14. v. s 7, 18. But this by the way, to obviate the `fudaical Sophifm mentioned, that would make all the names in theText, unlefs it bethePrince.ofPeace, to precede the Verb, and that to be aïiiáely underflood. 4. 3 I. It follows in the Targum; ä71D1+7 ts]19' .101 ftD iw1 AsITwD b'b1tUZ t='7 NMI; Thewords are varioully rendered ; forcerefer i.2113 to keltai that goes before ; fo expreffing them by, Deus Fortis, or Fortiffimus; the mightyGod. Others as the Tran- nation in the BibliaRegia,andLondin. refer to the words following, b'thp' ï='p, and render it by Vir, the man; vir permanent in arernum ; the man abiding for ever; but it doth not Teem that this fenfewill hold ; for although b11í do lignifie a man; the famewith the Hebrew 113, yet 11t is not fo ufed, but only for Fortis or Forri /rymot, X112 the word ufed in the Original is applyed toGod and men ; but here it feems to be joynedwith ''ib, and to lignifie as by us tranflated the mighty God ; which the Tar- eumiffendeavoured alto toexprefs; and fo by N'3tt9'7 n'p permanent in Jecula, abide- ing for ever, he rendereth 19 '1tß the Farber of Eternity, fignificsantly enough. Alfa brnwr3 is joyned by fotne with et4ur1; and rendered Meffia Pads, for 1:11t1) 1111 the Princeof Peace ; but this connexion of the words thofe that follow will not well bear; wherefore, they place the name Meah abfplutely, and render the following words, whole Peace fball be multiplyed unto us in bit Dayis. IC 32. And this Telfimony of their Targum, the prefent Yews are much to be preffed withal ; and there are not many from which they feel their entanglements more ur- gent upon them. And it would at the fame time, move compallìon at their blind- nefs, and indignation againft their obffinacy , for any one ferioufly to confider how wofully they wreftthe words up and down tomake a tolerable application of them unto Hezekiah, whom they would fix this Prophetic,, upon; and on theoccafion given us by the Targum, I !hall take a little view of their fentiments on this place of the Prophet. That of old they efteemed a Prophetic of the Meflah, not only theTargum as we have fees,¡but the Talmudallo dothacknowledge. Befides allo they .manifef the fame convihion in theirfutilousTraditions. InTratiat. Saned. Diifina. Cbokch ; They have aTradition that God thought to have made Hezekiah to be the Meah, and Senaeherib tohave been Gog andMagog; but pin l'i1D, the Property of .udgement inter- poled, and askedwhyDavidrather was not made the'Me/ab, who had made fo ma- ny Songs 'to the praife ofGod. AndRabbi Hille, aswe (hall fee afterwards, 'contend- ed, that lfrael was not anymore to look for a Mefliah , Peeing they enjoyed him in Hezekiah. Now thefe vainTraditions arofe meetly from the concefsions of their old Matters, granting theMefriab to behere fpoken of, and the craft of their later ones, wretting the wordsunto Hezeltiab, fo calling them into confufion, that they kne not