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Concerning the eJvlefriaho 12,7 rorn'this time forward the remaining jeres with their Pofterity utterly reje6led the faith of their Father Abraham , and of the reft'of their Progenitors who thereby obtained a good report,- and this Teltimony that they pleafed God. A Meffiah that fhould be promifed unto Adam the common Father of us all , one that fhould be a Spiritual Redeemer from fin and mifèry; a Goe1, or Redeemer from Death' and Wrath, a Peace-maker between God and man, one that fhould work out ever- laffing Salvation, the great blelling wherein all the Nations of the Earth were to, have an intereft, afpiritual and eternal Prophet, Prieft and King, God and man in one Perfon, they neither .looked for any more, nor defired. A temporal King and De- liverer, promifed unto themfelves alone , to give them Eafe, Dominion,Wealth and Power, they would now have, or none at all. They would not think it thank- worthy towardsGod himfelf, to fend them a McJab to deliver.them from fin. And in their expectations of fuch a one, after they had been well wearied with many fruítrations, they were, as was faid; in their adherence untoBarcorbi almoft extirpated from the face of the earth , only God in his Providence who bath yet another work to accomplith towardsthem , hath preferred them a Remnant unto his Glory. In this condition fome of them beganto deny that there was any Meffiab to be ex- peeled or looked for. This opinion is afcribed in the Talmud unto Rabbi Hillel.lib. Sand. Cap. Chelek This was not that Hilel whom they call i?Ut the Elder, the fa- mousMalier ofTraditions, who.with Shammai lived under the fecond Temple; but another of whom fome fay that he was the Son of Gamaliel, others more probably that he lived along time after thofe dayes. But when ever he lived they fay of him, 5;1ipir1 Ica rPt1' N 'W t1.1 7121W1t1 rl'iVt) al TIN 1r,123 74rr1, Rabbi Hil'elfàid, A.1efah'hall not be given unto Ifrael, pr they enjoyed him in the dayes of Hezekiah, This was a fruit of their applying-that Prophefie of Ifaiab, Chap: 9. v. 5, 6? unto He- zekiañ ; fór if he was intended therein, he was unqueftionably the only Meah. But it doth not appear that this opinion was much followed ; for a great dlfpute arofe amongft them whither Hil/el werenot to be efteemed an Apoftate, and to have loft his interelt in the world to come by this Opinion. Thof who following Maimonider, make the Articleof the coming of the Melfiah one of the Fundamentals of the Lawa are greatly offendedat him ; but he is more gently treatedby Jofeph Albo, Sepher Ikka- rim, Orat. 1. on'the account that this Article is -not fundamental, but only one branch of the great Root ofRewards and Punifhments. Abarbinel goes another way to ex- cule him, but generally they all condemn his Opinion.. In this Perfwafon then, that a M ab is promifed and [hall come, they all continue. But _whereas, as was before obferved, they have utterly rejcdted the Faith and Light of the Church of old; they-have in their Talmuds, and Ages enlùing their Compofition, coyned fo many foolifh imaginations concerning Him, his . Perron, Work, Office, Kingdom, Life, Continu- ance, and Succcilion, as are endlels to recount. But yet that theReader may in them confider wofull condition of men reje hedof God, call out ofhis Covenant, and bereavedof his Spirit, and withall of how little ufe the Letter of the OldTefiament is unto the vain minds of men, wholly deftitute of Divine Illumination and Grace, and allò learnwhat is that prefent Perfwalion of the Jews, which they prefer before the faith of their Fore-fathers, and what they conceive of that Meab for whole fake they reject him in whom alone there is Salvation, I (hall give an account of the moll important heads of their Opinions, and conjeétures about him, as allo of the prin- opal occafions of their being hardened in their impenitency and unbelief. Our Apoille tells us, 1 Tim. 3. v. 16. That without Controvedie great is the Myfierie of Godlinrff Godwas manifefi in theflejh,juflified in the Spirit, fen of Angels, Preached unto theGentiles, believedon in the World, received up into Glory. All things which concern the MefTab, his Perron, Office and Work, are exceedinglyMyjterious, as containing the principal effect of the EternalWifdom and Goodnefs of God, and the facred depths of the counfel of his Will. hence the things fpoken of him in theÓld Teament, are unto carnal Reafon.full of Teeming inconfijieneies. As for ,inftance, it is promifed of him that he Ibduld be the feed of the Woman; Gen. 3. v. 15. of the feed of Abraham, Gen. 22. V. 18. andof the Poflerity ofDavid; And yet, that his name fhould be, the Mighty God, the Everlofiing Father, the Prince of Peace, Ifa. 9. v. 6. and of him it laid, Thy7hrone 0God, is for ever and ever, Pfal. 45: v. 6. that he is the Lord our Righteouf neff; Jer. 23.. v. 6. that he is the Lord ofRafts s Zech. a. v. 8. Moreover it is declared, that he (hall jiit'upon hit Throne for eves, and reign, whileft his enemies are made his footftool, Ifa, 9, v. 7. Pfalm z. 7, 8. Pfàlm45. 6., 7. and yet, that he (hall be cut off, Dan. 4 7. 4