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Cóncertürig the Meliab. ltíelliieiumHebraic= lib. t. cap. 9. reporting this flery out of5úáo,-f, adds titandum videtur, ear fub iJto verborum involucro Rornam tartggam alter.rtn BaGyiou=on p"cr- Jiringere voluii, quod nimirum gtre prigs a Babyloniis, eadern a nrae edam S t ;or.a po.ìe.a a.Romanispalli fuerint. uin,eT'Romanam Idololatriam in eo p rfhrtngi acbiteer, rod e. clot diequo]eroboarnus ftlius Nebat vitulos aureos conJtituit, (tome ( . ïn loco u o 1,p/tea CO, dita eft Roma ) duo Liguria edifïcata of e dicunt. SoHe; who -alone bath cosijeEi'urcd at the intendmentof this enigmatieall Rory, and that togood purpofe . 11ltall there- fore make it more fully to appear. Koms they have learned to call Ball n out of theRevelation as was declareel ; and thence conclude that upon the dettruc io-i et Rome they Mall be delivered. Two things were eminent in Babylon; Firít, that it was its felt the beginning of all falle Worfhip and Idolatry in theWorld s and there- in the Mother ofHarlot's; theOther, that Godmade ufe of it to punifh the Idolatries of the Pews. Hence they fay that Rome this New Babylon had its foandarion when Solomon married Pharaohs Daughter ; and that it began to be built when jeroboam fitjap his Calves: which they lookupon as the two. firít fatal of the deelen- fiehof Ifraelinto falCe Woríhip and Idolatry And hereby they intimate, partly that Rote should fet up Idolatry, as Solomon and jeroboam did , and partly that God had then provided a New Babylon to puni(h and de(iroythem. The Abba Solon isa Moufter, whom no man hatlr as yet fet upon. But it is noother but Capitolium, as they will eafily grant, who know how ufual it is with them strangely to Metarrtor- pbile things and words; inflames whereof I (hall elfewhere give. Thence is the, Proverb they (peak of; noAbba Kolas, no Capitol, or Temple of Idolatry, no City the Capit1 anfwering theTower of Babel which was a Temple of Betts. Neither is that Proverb any thing. but in allufion'to that in the RomanHiftory; Capitolium eft ubi quondam Capis humano invento, refonfumeft so -loco esput cerum, fummamque im- perii fore: 7it. Liv. lib. 5. And the tempering of theclay ofRome with the water of Euphrates by the help ofAbba Solon, is nothing but an ctpreflion of the fucceflion of Rome into the head of Babylon whir was built on that River, by the means of the Capitol that great Seat ofldolatry. Nor do theyat all diftinguifh between thepre- few Idolatry ofRome and that of old. So that although all things are confounded by them with monftrous Fidions and Exprefsions, which it may be they invent - ed on purpofe to obfcure their intention, Yet their aim in the whole is ma- nifeR. But to-return ; for the remaining part of the Rory concerning this.Ar`mil'tts , I know not whether theyhave borrowed it from thofe of the Roman Church, or there from them; but evident it is that they (hive to impofe the odium of Antichrilf upon one ano.her. ThePàpiills fay that Antichrift (ball be a Jew, of the Tribe of Dan, and that he shall perfwade the Jews that he is their Mph; thatby their help, andothers joining with them, he Gall conquer many Nations, defiroy Rome, flay Enoch and Elias, and afterwards be de(hoyed himfelf by fire from Heaven, by the power of Chrili. TheJews, that their Armillus Gall be a Roman, born of Idolatrous Fornica- tion, that heshall perfwade the Roman Chriftians, that he- is the Head of their Re- ligionandAuthor of their Prayer Boobs; that he Gall conquer many Nations, fight againf Jerufalem, flay Mefliab Ben Jofeph, and afterwardsbe confumed with firefrom Heaven, through the power of BenDavid. To whether party the Gloryof this inven- tion is to be afsigned, I am uncertain ;' the Rory for thefubftance of it, is the faine on both fides, only varioufly fitted unto their feveral interefs. And this fhallbe the End of Meffah Ren Jofeph or Epbrairn s Armiltishaving re- ceived a defeat by NehemiahBen Hufel, H1rtri 703)4 p71yr1 ntimá +`l+tl t7 k1ap', he (hail gather the forces of all the Nations of the World into the vally of decifon, '7121tIr Oy O11`7+l, and /hallfight with Ifrael't 4NIT.11 X5 19I]+i 1= "7'I1 /iii 1]tb 1177;1 +ï two 1íT1 15II And they /hallflay of them (ofArmillus his Army ) heaps ( or multitudes) on heaps, and theyflail! finite a few of Ifrael; and they fhallflay the Wish of the Lord. L751yr1 mart 1=y 1r1í2 1 =V+í)t001 TIN ®4tsHl r wrt (];]1Vt1o1 p.:21; ; And the minifrtng Angelic fall( come and perfuming his body fiall lay it up with the antientFathers> where it is to be'kept many dayes without putrefae`tion, as Helacs Body was (in Homer) after he was (lain'by Achilles. And it is not unlikely but that they may allude fomewhat to thePropbefie of the two Witneffes, Rev. t i. who were to be fain and, afterwards called up to Heaven. Thus do they at their pleafure difpofe of this creature of their own s, fur having framed him themfelves he is their own to dowith him what they will, alive and dead. But that-which is the poyfrz and S z Ring ç. r4ó