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Daniel's Prophecy 'Viradicated. A Reverend and Learned Perfori in a late Expoftion- of theVifienr and Prophccics df Daniel, endeavouring to refer them all unto the hate of the Churches of Chria in thefe later days of the world , with their fufferings under, and deliverance from the power ofAntitbriJt, among(t the'reft contends exprrily, that this Próphecy, Prediîlion, andComputation cloth not relate unto the coming and fuffering of the Meflìah, but only unto the (late of the Churches before mentioned. Hence he who pnbli(hed thofe Difcoitrfes, decláreth in the Title of the Book that aNew way is propounded in o,- far thefinding out of the determinate time figniftedunto Daniel in his feventy Weeks , when it didbegin, andwhen we are to expel the end thereof.' And a NEW WAY it is in= deed, not only diverfe from, but upon the matter, contrary unto the Catholick Faith of the Church of God, bothJudaical and Chriffian, ever fine the Heft giving out of the Prophecie. Andfuck a way it is, as isnot only groundlefs, as we anti dikover in the examination and trial ofit, but alto dangerous unto, the Chritian Faith if re.- ceived. Yet becaufe the Author of it, ( if he be yet alive ) is aPerfon Holy, Modell and Learned , and propofeth bit conjeCtures with fubmiflion unto the judgement of others, not peremptorily determining what be fyes, pag. 51: His difeourfe deferves our Confideration, and a Return unto it, with a fobtiety anfwerable unto that where- with it is propofed. Andherein we (hall attend unto the Method chofen by himfelf, which is heft togive Reafons and Arguments toprovo; that this Prophecycannot be ap- plied unto the coming of the Mefliah, and then thofe which countenance , as he túppofeth, the application Of it, unto thefe latter dayer, both which (hall be examined in their Order._ That which in general he Mil inffteth onas a Reafon toabjudicate this Prediiion from the timesof the Mefliab, is the difference that is among Learned men about the Chronological Computation ofthe time here .limited and determined. The variety of opinions in this matter he terms monJirour, and the difficulties that "attend the feve- rai Calculations inextricable. 'But' whetherthis Reafonbe cogent or nounto his purpofe, is ealie todetermine ; yea, it teems tohave tirength on the outer fide. For notwith- ttanding the difficulties of the exalts Computation pretended, not one of them whomhe mentions, not fcarce.anyother Perfon, Antient or Modern before himfelf, or a very . fewhalides, did everdoubter_or call in queltion, whether thetime deigned; did concern thecoming of the Mefliab or no. And it teems to be ,,a great evidence of the Truth thereof, that nö difficultyin thecomputation didever move them to quetlion thePrin.- ciple its fel"f. Beides that,this is indeedno tolerable Argument, namely, that LearnedMen can- not agree in the exalt computation of any time appointed unto fuck an end, to prove that it was notdeigned unto that end, is evident from other in(lánces in the Scripture to the fame purpofe. Thus God tells Abraham, that his feed Jhould fojaurn in aftrange Land four hundred years, Gen. 15.13, which Stephen repeats, ..Alts 7. v. 6. After this; ,Mofes withfonte difference in the years.themfelves, affirms, that their ojourning in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years, Exact. t z. L. 40. which St. Paul repeats,. ,Gal. 3. v. 17. Now learned men greatly differ about the right dating of this Account, as fromwhat time precifely, the Computation is to be dated : and that onthe very fame Reafonwhich divides their Judgementsin the dating of thefe Week!' in Daniel.. For a$.in this placeof Daniel, the Angel fixing the Beginningof the time limited untothe going forth of the Decree to build3erufalem there being feveral Decrees , at feveral fea(òns, made as it should feem to that purpofe, they are not agreed from which of themprecifely tobegin the Account; So. Paul affirming,:that thefour hundredand.thirty yearsbeganwith the givingof the Promile untoAbraham, it having been feveral times, and at feveral feafons folemnly given untohim, there is great quettïon from which Hof them-the Computation is to take its date and Beginning.. And yet as notwith- ftanding this difficulty never any man doubted, but that theyears mentioned contained the timeofAbraham's and his Poftérities being in -Egypt; no more notwithttanding the difficulties anddifference pleaded about the computation. of their Weeks rfDaniel, did everanydoubt but that the time limited in them , was that allotted unto the Judaical Church and State, until! thecoming of theMellìah. The like difference che-re is amongft Learnedmen about theBeginning and Ending of the kventy years inl Jere- miah, allotted untothe Babylonifh Captivity; and that becaufe the people were carved Captive at three different tiinesby the Babylonians. There is thereforeindeedno weight in this. exception; which is taken_merely from the weaknefs and imbecilityof the minds ofmen, not able to make a perfect Judge- meat I69