I8o The Prophecy ofDaniel concerning the Metlah fenfe of the word is to cover or conceal, and thence to leal, becaufe thereby a thing is hidden, Cant. 4. V.12. Now tohide fin, or tranfgreffion in the Old Tellament is to pardon it, to forgive it. As then the former expreffon refpefteth the flop that was put to the power and progrefs elfin by the Grace of the Gofel, as Titus z. V. l r, t a, fis doth this the pardon and removal of the guilt of it by the mercy proclaimed and tendred in the Gofpel. And in this way of exprelfion, is God faid to ,al our fins behind his back; to cover them, and to calf them into the bottom of the fa. That this was no way to be done but by the Meffiah we have ,before evinced. Neither Can the ,gems affign any otherway of the accomplifhment of this part ofthe predietion, within the time limited. For fetting afide this only conlderation of the pardon of fin pro- curedby theMediation of the Meßiab, and there was never any age wherein God did more feverely bring forth fin unto Judgement, as thernfelves had large ex- perience: 32, Thirdly, This feafon is deigned, z19 19Jí1, to make Reconciliation for iniquity. To reconcile iniquity ; foour Apolile .rotas renders this exprelion, Heb. 2.14 17. in400e9t núa á;ianníae ; to.recoiisile iniquities: That is, itwíìxe,9at %r ssel áµopnem "r to make reconciliation with Godfor iniquity; to make attonement. The fenfeof the word 197 when applied unto fin, is known and granted. If it be fpokcnof God, it is to hide, to cover, to pardon fin, to begracious untoGoners; if Of men in the rifeofany of his inllitutions, it is to propitiate, appeafe, attone, make attonement, or reconci- liation, as I have elfewhere at large declared. How this was to be done by the Meßiah hathbeen already evinced. This was that work for which he was promifed unto our fitíf Parents from the foundationof the world. That he was todo it, we are taught in the Old Teftament, howhe did itin the Gofpel. To expea this work of making attonement for fin, from any other, or tobe wrought-by any other wayes or means, is fully to renounce the firfl promife, and the Faith of the Fathers from the foundation of theworld. 4. 33 That which in the fourth place is mentioned.anfwers the former. Tomake Re- conciliation for iniquities, and =+r& pia ft+1`I to bring in everlafting Rightepuf- nef1. There was a Legal Righteoufnefs atnongft the people before , confflitig partly to their blamelefs"obfervation of the inftitutionsof the Law, andpartly in their_ ri- tual attonements' fin fin, made annually and occafionally. ,Neither of rhefe could conftitute their Righteoufnefs ever/afging. ` Not the former ; for by the deeds of the Law.can no flefh be jußzled; that is, not abfolutely, what ever they might be as to the poffefliion of thepromifed Land. Notthe latter ; for as- our sipoftle obferves, the annual repetition of Legal Sacrifices did fufficiently manifeff that they could not make perfeéh them that came unto Godby them. . In oppofition unto thee, anEverlaffing Righteoufnefs, filchas is abfolute; perfedt, and enduring for ever, is promifed to be brought in by the Meffiah; the Righteoufnefs which he wrought in his life- and death, doing and fuffering the whole will ofGod, being imputed unto them that believe. And this C7+tthp jiy, Everlafling RightecuG nef?, procureth and endeth in the=Den) nyi n, everCaging Salvation- mentioned, Ifa. 45. u. 17. both oppofed into the ritual Righteoufnefs, and temporal deliverance ofthe Law. To declare the nature, and the way ofbringing in thisRighteoufnrfl is the defign of the Gofpel, Rom. 1. v.16, 17. And I defire to know of the Jewr, how it was brought in within the time limited. According unto their Principles, the time 'here determined,was fo far from being a feafonof .bringing in Everlaffing Righteouf- nefs, that by their own confeflion itbrought in nothing but a deluge of wickednefs in thefins of their Nation, and opprefliions of the Gentiles. This therefore is the proper workof theMefÌìab, foretold by theProphets, expedledby all the Fathers, and not denyed by the JewsthemCelves at this day, though they would shamefully avoid the application of it unto him- in this place. But he, who ever he be, that brings in Everlaifing Righteoufnefl, He and no other is the Pramifed Seed, the true and only Meffiah: 3c. 34 Theffih thinghere foretold, is in thofe words; N11,11 pin ; to feal Vifion andProphet. N+ai for rtbit» ; Prophet, for Prophecy ; the concrete for the abffrahl. The exprefliionbeingMetaphpriea; is capable of a triple Interpretation or Application, every one of themproper unto the Wish, his work,. and the times wherein he tarot, and to no other. (a. )Tofea!, is to confummate, to eftablifh, and confirm. Things are perfected, compleated, eftablifhed and confirmed by leafing, Jer.34.v.44. John 3, v 34. Rem. 4, v. II. In this fenfe, Vifion and Prophecywere fèaled in theMellish, They