184 The Prophecyof Daniel concerning the Mefiah, &c. remain. But before we proceed unto them, it will be neceffary to confider the Computation, of the time, which we are here dvefled unto by the Angel. I have already mauifeffed that oar Argument from this place is not concerned in the ex- at. Chronological Computation of the time here limited , as to its precife Beginning and Ending, with the commerfitration of it, unto the times , feafons, and accounts qt the Nations of the world. For when ever the time mentioned began, ail' men agree that it is long fince expired, namely ; at or before the dcfolation of the City and Temple. Now all' that we undertook to prove, which alibi is 'fufñcient unto Our prefent purpofe, is, that before that feafou the M.fiiab was to. come, arid to be out of which we have done, and cleared our Argument from all furthtx concern- ment in this account. But yet that. it may appear, that there is no entanglementcall upon. this 7'effimony, by the :Chronological ciffrculties which are pretended in the computation of the time here determined, as alto that thereare no fuch difficulties therein, but what are fairly reconcileable unto all that is affirmed in the Text, be- fore we proceed to theconfideration of our remaining Arguments, they alfo ,hall be cuntidered and flated in the enfuingExereitation. Exercitatio