I86 f 3 Q4 ki 5. Computation of Danie.s.:F0eekr. counts are exprelly contrary to the words of the Angel, fixing the beginning of the time defigned, on 'hegoing forth of a Decree for the building Jerufalem. To theft we may add all that would extend there Weeks beyond the de(ìrudion of the City ánd Templeby Titus ; as Tome of the Jews woulddo, to comprize the Prophecy of their fecond fatal del}ruetion by Hadrian, Which is no way concerned in ir. The feventy Week; then mentioned, we mutt reek for, between the frff year of Cyrus, when the firft Decreewas made for the re- edification of the Temple, and the final de- llru&ion ofit by the Romani: This fpáce we are confined unto by the Text ; the fe- venty Weeks are á`w11' nÚ1'n a'wrt5, nal`Nunvs; from the going forth of theword to carafe to return and build Jerufalem-, veil: 25. Now the Kingdom ofCyrus had a double frftyear : The one abfolutely of his Reign over Perfia, the other of his rule over the Babyloni/hMonarchy whichhe had conqueredafter the death of Darius Medus. The frit. year it is of thisfecond date ofthe Kingdom of Cyrus, which may have any relation unto the time here limited; for whilft he was King of Perfia only, he could have, nothingto dowith the Jews,. nor make any Decree for the. buildingof the Temple, both the people and place being then under the dominion of another. Betides, Ezra a. t t. Where it is Paid, that he made his Decree in the frftyear of his Reign, himfelf plainly declaresthat:he had obtained the Eafern Monarchy by theconquell ofBabylon. The LordGodrfHeavenbathgivenme all the Kingdoms of the Eartb; which :words can in no fettlebe applied unto.the Kingdom of Perfia, fuppofng the Monarchy of BabyGm Rill to continue. Thewhole (pace oftime then here limited is feventyWeeks, verf. zq..The beginning of there feventy Weeks is the going forth of the Decree or Word to refiere or build Jerufalem, v. 25. The nil} Decree .or command that could have any relation un- to thismatter, was that made by Cyrur-in the firli year ofhis Empire. We mull then in the firti place, find out the direét fpace of time between the frftyear ofCyrus, and the deltrushionofthe Temple, and then enquire whether the whole, or what part of it is denoted by thefe feventy,Weeks. Some, I confers, there are, who contend that there is no cotifideration to be had of thatcomputation of time, which we find among(} the Heathen Writers, nor of tbofe flared Epocha's by which they limited and "dittinguilhed their computations : For whereas, fay they, we have certainly the term of this duration of time, its beginning and ending fixed, namely, thefrjt ofCyrur, and the'deatb of Mph. It is pofitivcly determined, thatbetween themwerefeventy Wiekr, or foúr.hundred ninety years,unto which all other amountsare to be fquared and made proportionable. Indeed the con- elution were unqueflionable, if the premiles were. certain. If the terms be 'rightly fixed in the frft of Cyrus and the death jamMéah, there mull be but 490 years be- tween them :. for whether, we underftand the reafon ofit orno, all forreign Accounts mutt befuited unto what of infallible truth is flared in theScripture. But Chef® things are much queftioned ; forwhereas Come do doubt whether the time limited do abfolutely expire inthe death of the Meab, and benot rather to be.extend- ed unto the deftrudion of the City andTemple. There be. many more,. that do pe- remptorily deny that it'is to take date from thefrfb Decree of Cyrus: And fomull we alto, unlefs it canbe proved thatthe times mentioned are jultly commenfurate from thence unto the death ofMefah : For teeing there were other Decrees; as we fhall find, to thefame purpofe, whichmight be refpehedas well as that ; there is no reafon why we fhould offer violence unto other approved computations, to force them to fubmit unto the Scripture Account, when weMil offerviolence unto, that, tomake it ferve our own opinion. . I flail thereforeproceed in the way propofed, and firl} give a juif com- putation of the time from the firft year ofthe Empire of Cyrus, unto the deflrudion of the City and Temple, and then enquire whether the feventy Weeks, or 490 years here determined, be-commenfurate unto the whole, or only unto Tomepart ofit ; and if to fine part only, then towhat part of it, andhow we are directed bythe Text to the be- ginningand endof the computation. And herein I (hall not fcrupuloufly bind my Pelf unto daies, or months, orfeafensof theyear in any fingle.aecount, but only confider the full and found number of years, which in filch computations, according to thecufom of .holy Writ,ia to be obferved. And indeed, what through the (Hence, whatthrough the difagreementofAnti= Hi- forians, it is utterly impoiiibleto (fate exactly, au to thole lefferfra&ions, the times that are patted of old. And we leek for no more certainty in thefe things, than the con ditionof them will naturally bear. It is generallyagreed by all Hiiterianr and Cbronologerr, that Cyrus began his Reign over