Computation ofDaniel's VPPe(s. over Perfid, in the firft year of the-fifty fifth Olympiad; probably the fame year that Nabonidus, or Darius Medus began his reign over Babylon. " And this was the year whereinDaniel let hrmfelf folemnly to feek the Lord for the delivery of the people out of Captivity,He being now come to a Kingdom who was fo Meg before prophe- fled of to be their deliverer, Dan. 9..1". In the twenty feventh year of his reign, or the firft of the fixty fecond, Olympiad, havingconquered the BabylonianEmpire,he began the firft year of his Monarchical reign, from whence Daniel reckons his third, which washis Taft, Chap to. r. And therein he proclaimed liberty unto the people of the Jews, to return to JeruJälem, and to build the Temple,, Ezra t. J. TheCity and Temple weredefiroyed by Titus , in the third year of the eleventh Olympiad ; now from the lint yearof the fixtyfecond Olympiad, unto the third ofthe two hundred and eleventhOlympiad inalufrve, are fivehundredninety nineyears, and within that fpace of time are we to enquire after, and find the four hundred andninety years here prophe- fled of, and foretold. pf this fpaceoftime, -the Perfran Empire fromthe twenty fcventhofCyrus, or firft of the whole Monarchy, and the firft of the fixtfecond Olympiad, continued two hmt- dred and two years, as is generally acknowledged by all antient HiJlorians, ending on, and including in it the fecondyear of the one hundred and twelfthOlympiad which was the lalt, ofDarius Codomanus. For Cyrus reigned after this three years : Cam- byfs and Smerdes Magus eight : Darius HiJiaJj,es thirty four : Xerxes with the tnoneths eufuing ofÀrtabanus twenty one : Artaxerxes Lóngimanus forty one : Darius Nothai nineteen : Artaxerxes Mnemonforty three : Ochus twenty three: Arfis three.: Darius Codomanus feven, inalltwohundred andtwo years. After his death Alexander beginning his Reign inthe third year of the t itth 0.'y n- piad,reigned fix years : from him there is a double account, by the two molt famous' branchesof theGrecian Empire. The firft is by the Syrian, or IEra of the Seleucide, which takes its date from the tenth year after the death ofAlexander when after fome bloody contefts; Seleucusfetled his Kingdom in Syria, and reigned thirty years. After him reigned Antiochus Suter twenty one years, Antiochus Theta fifteen, Seleucus Callinicus twenty, Seleucus Ceraunus two, Antiochus Magnus thirty feven, SeleucusPhi- ¡aparee twelve, Antiochus Epiphanes twelve, Eupator two, Demetrius Soter ten. In the fecond year of this Demetrius, which was the 153d. ofthe accountoftheSeleucide, was Judas Maeehab,eus!lain, being the one hundred fixty ninth year after the death of Darius Ccdomanus, orend of the Perfran Empire, allowing the years to the; reign of Alexander, and ten more to the beginningof theKingdomof theSeleuckla. Demetrius Soler in the tenth year of his reign was expelled out of his Kingdom by Alexander _Pales ; in the fecond year of whofe reign,, ten years after the death of Judas, Jona- than his Brother took upon. him the fupream Government of the people of theJews, and began the Rule or Reign of the Hafnoneansi So that the time of theGrecian Empire inSyria from the deathof Darius Codomanus, unto the liberty of the Jews and erettion ofa fupream Government amorigf them, was one hundred feventy nine years , which being added unto two hundred and two years of the' PerfranEmpire, makes up three hundred eighty oneyears.. To the fame iffue comes alfo the account by the other branch of theGrecian Em- pire in Egypt : For Alexander reigned as we fáid, after the death of Darius fix years, Ptolomeus Lati thirtynine : Philadelphus thirty eight : Euergetes twenty four : Philo- paternineteen : Epiphanes twenty three t Philometor thirty : in which thirtiethyear be- gan the rule of the Hajmomeans. The Ruleof the Hafinoneans, with the reign ofHerod thegreat ; whoobtained the Kingdom by means of theirdivifions, continueduntil, the Birth of Chrift, one hundred forty years: ForJonathan be his Rule in the fecond year of the onehundred fifty feventh Olympiad, as may leen, by adding theSeleueian .?Era to theone hundred and fourteenth Oympiad,, whereinAlexander dyed; and our Lord Chrift was born in the fecond,year of the onehundred ninety fourthOlympiad, in the latiyear, Or the lati five One Of thegreat. This fummofone hundred forty eight years, being added to the fore-mentioned, fromthe beginning of theEmpire of Cyrus, which is three hun- dred eighty one years, makes up in all five hundred twenty nine years. From the Birth of our LordChrift in the fecond year of the one hundred ninety fourthOympi- , ad, to thedeftruétion of the City and Temple, in the thirdyear of the two hundred andeleventh Olympiad, are feventy years; whichmakes up the whole fumm before mentioned of fivehundred ninety nine years, from the firft of the Empire of Cyrus, B b 3 unto 4.7