1p2 Computation of Dainiel'sYVeekr. § 17. The fecond Decreeof the Kings of Perfia ht reference unto the Jews was that of Dariusmade in his fecund year, when the work of the buildingof the Temple was carried on through theProphecy ofHaggai. andZechariah. Thisis the Decree or Com- mandment mentionedin Ezra 6. granted by Darius, upon appeal made unto him from his neighbouring Governours; and it was a meer revival ofthe Decree ofCyrus, the Roll whereof wasfound in Acbmeths in the Province of the hiedes, r. 2. And this is that which Haggai and Zechariahrelate unto, dating' their .Prophecies, from the recoil year ofDarius, Hag. 1. 2,;10. Zech. 1. 1. Upon the Roll of the Kingsof Perfia, we find 'three called by the name ofDarius, or Darianes, as the Jews term him. (r. ) Darius H })}a#er who fuçceededCambyfes , by the eke pion Of the Princes of Perfia, upon the killing of Smides Magus the Ufurper. ( 2. ) Darius Notbus who fucceeded Artax- erxes Longimanus. ( 3. ) Darius Codomanus in whom the PeanEmpire had its period by Alexander the great. That the laft of ihefe can be no way concerned in the De- cree, is notorious. The two others are difputed. Mot} learned then grant that it was Darius Hyftaffes which was the Author of this Decree; and indeed that it was fo, at leali, that it can be afcribed untonoother Darius, we (hall afterwards unde- niably prove. And it is not unlikely that he was enclineduntothis favour and mode- ration towards the Jews by his general deign. to relieve men from under the op- priffions that were upon them during the reignof Camby¡es, and to tenue the Ads of Cyrus their firftEmperour, whowas renowned amongft them, to ingratiate hiinfelf aintoMankind, and confirm himfelf in that Kingdom whereunto he came not by fuccefion. And it is not improbable, butthat this washe who was the Hasband of Hyter, though if fo, it was not nntill after this Decree made in the fecond year of his reign, the putting away 'oft'afkti happening in his third, Heft. r. 3. Now Cyrus reigned after his fielt Decree three years; Cambyfis with S.rrerdes eight, whom fue ceeded thisDarius, who iffued out this Decree in the fecond year of his reign; that is at molt thirteen years after the death of Cyrus ; or if with fern we fhould grant Gyms tohave reigned twenty years over the whole Empire, it was but nineteen or twenty years at themoll. Now the whole fumm of years from the firli ofCyrus, to the cutting off the Mefiah we have manifefted to have been fivehundred fixty two : de- duEt thirteenyears from five hundred fixty two, and there yet remains five hundred forty nine years, which exceeds the number of yearm.enquired after fifty nine yeast, neither doth the addition of feven years to the reign ofCyrus, makeany alteration in this general account. For on that fuppofition, his firftyear inul't be takenfeven years backwards; and the fpace oftime from thence unto the end of the weeks will be five hundred fixtynine years, and the remnant from Darius, as we declared before, five hundred forty nineyears. So that neither can thisbe the Commandment intend- ed, there being fromthe going forth of it; unto the cutting off of the Mefflah not four hundred andninety years, but as is declared fivehundred forty nine. &fides indeed thisDecree of Darius was no new command, not had.any refpecfunto the refiauration ofJerufalem, but was a meer renovation, or a new acknowledgement of the Decree otCyrus about the re-edifying of the Temple, and 1h doubtlefs was nut deigned asthe fignal Epoebá of the time here limited and determined. 18. The great Scaliger who would date the weeks from this Decreeof Darius, knowing that the time would not fuit with the reignofDarius Hjffafßes contends that it was Nothus who fucceeded Longimanus that was the Author of it, and extends the whole time or fpace of four hundred and ninety years, to the deftrudion of the City and Temple, that fpace of time, according to his computation; being elapfed from the fecond year ofDarius. But the truthis, as maybe ken .from our former account, from the fecund year ofDarius Nothus to the defirut ion of the City was but four hundred and eightyyears fhort of the whole fumm. Beides we have before proved from the Text, that the time determined, was to expire in thedeath of the Meffiah. And there are fundrtt' other circumftances which plainlyevince the inconfittency of this computation : for from the hrfi ofCyrus, when the fiat command went forth for the building of the Temple, Whereupon the work of it .was begun, unto the fecond year of Nothus art- fully anhundred and eight years. And it is not credible that thtr:workof buildingof the Temple thould fo long behindered ; and then come to perfection by them who firtt beganit For On this fuppolition Zerubbabel and Jo(bua mutt" five at Jerufä!em after their return, above an hundred ,years, and then take in hand again the work which they had fo long defected. And this is yet more incredible upon his own opinion