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lews Traditions about the comingof the Liefiah 193 F1xercitatio XVI. Other Confiderations proving the Mefliah to be long fine come. FluBuation of the Pau about the Perlin and Work of the Mrfab. Their (late andcondition in theworld for fixteen Ages. Promifës of the Covenant ruade with them of old. Al! fulfilled unto the expira- tion of that Covenant. Not now made good unto them. Reafon thereof. The Promifè of the Land ofCanaanfailed. Of proteelion and Temporal deliverance. Spirit of Prophecy departed. Covenant expired. Jews exceptions. Theirprof(erity. Theirfins. Of their fore-fathers >'oftbemfelves. Vanity of thefè exceptions. Concfons of the Antient Jews. Fob) of Talmudical DsFlors. Traditions of the Birth ofthe Me/ab before the deftruftion of the lecondPemple. Tradition of the School of Elias 3 about the worlds continuance. Anfwero of the Jews tinto our Arguments, by way of conce)fon. The time prolonged, be- canfa of their fins. Vanity of this pretence. Not the Jews only but the Gentiles con- cerned in the coming of the Mrab. The Promife not Conditional. Limitations of time not capable of conditions. No mention of any filch condition. The condition fuppofed overthrows the Promifé. The Jews in the ufé of thisplea, fell condemned. The Covenant overthrown by it. The Meffiah may never comeupon it. Nto the invincible Telìimonier before inffled on, we may add forte other conuderations taken from the Jews themfetves , that are both fuitable unto their conviStion f andof ufe to rengthen the faith of them who do believe. And theMil thing that offers its felt unto us, is their mifcrable flntluation and uncertainty in the wholeDoltrine about the Mefliah ever fine the time of his coming and their reje&ton of him. That the great fundamental) of their profeffion from the dayes of Abraham, and that which all their Wor(hip was founded in, and had refptôì unto, was the promife of the coming of the Mjliah, we have before fùfficicntly proved. Untlll the time of his coming, this they were unanimous in, asalfo in their defres and expCCiations of his Advent. Since that time, as theyKaye utterly loft all faith in him , as to the great end for whichhe was promifld, to áll truthas to the Doéfrine concerning his Perlon, Office andWorkplentifully delivered in the Old Tenement. in their Talmud. Trafat. Sands. theydo nothing but wrangle, conjeddure and con- tend about hitn, and that under fuels notions and apprehenftons of him as the Scrip tare giveth no countenanceunto. When he (hall come , and how , where he (hall he born, atadwhat he (hall do, they wrangle mush about, but are not able to deter- mine any thing at all ; at which uncerrairtie, the HolyGhoft never left the Church in things of fo great importance. Hence Come of them adhered to Barcasby for the Meffsah, a bloody Rebel; and tome ofthem in after ages to Davidel David a wandring Jugler, andMofes Cretenfis, and fundry other pretenders Have they given up them- Oyes to be deluded by ( as of late nitro the Molina Aponate Sabadia with his falle Prophets, R. Levi atad'Nathan ) who never made the lean appearance of any one charaéter of the true MeJTah, asMaimonidesconf_fferh and bewaileth. The Difputes of their late Mailers, have not any thing more of certainty or continency, then thole of their Talmudical Progenitors. And this at length bath driven them, to the pre- fat mifetable relief of their infidelity and defpatr, anërting that he (ball not come untillimmediately before the Refurreft on of the dead, only they take care that Come frnall time may be left for them to enjoy wealth and pleafure; with dominion over the Edomite, and llt'maliter, that is, Chriliians and 7ùrkr under whom they live, as yet fall of thoughts of revenge and retaliation in the dayes of their Mefjîah. Now where- unto can any than afcribe this tlac`tuation and uncertainty, in and about that which was the great fundamental Article of the faith of their Fore-fathers, and their utter renuntiation of the trueNotion and Knowledge of the i'vLifials. But unto this, that having long ego renounced him, they exercifc their 'thoughts and expebtatiou about a Chimaera of their own Brains, which having no tübnänce in its felt; nor font:darion Cc 2 in