Owen - BS2775 O8 1668

zed f ews Traditionsabo*t the touringof the Mfsiah. comingof the Meffiah, is at leaft Gxteen hundred years.; feting that they have not repented all this while, what affurance'have we, naywhat hope may we entertain, within the four or fivehundred years that are behind. Greater Calif toRepentance fromGod, greater motives from themfelves and others they are not like tó meet withal!. And what ground have we to exped , that they who have withftood all thefe Calls. without any good fruit by their own confeflions, will. ever be any better. upon this fuppofition then, it would be very probable, that the Mefliai,' should never come. Nothing can be replyed hereunto, but that God will either at length effectually by his Grace, give them that Repentance, which they make neceffary for his coming, or that he will fend him at laft, whether they repent or no: But if either of thefe may be expeáed, what reafon can be imagined, why God thould fo 'deal at any feafon concerning which hé had made no promife, that. the Meßiab lhould come therein, and not do fo at the time concerning which he had fo often promifed and foretold, that he thould come therein. Exercitati®