Jefusof Nazareth the onlyTrue andProfiledMefiah. zo7 Exercitatio XVII. The Thirdgeneral D?ertation, proving Jefus ofNazareth to be the only true andpromifedMeah. Jefus whomPaul preached, the true Mefliab. Firft Argument from the time of hie coming.. Foundationof this Argument unqueffionable. Coming ofJefies at the time appointed, proveti byScripture, Record, and CatholickTradition. By the teftimonies of Heathen Writers. By the confeJonof theTalmudica! Jews. Jefus Chrid intended by them, in their flog of7e- fus the SonofPandira andStada. No other came at that feafon, by them owned. Force of this Argument. Charatteriffical notes of the Mefab, given out in the OldTeffament. His Family, Stock, or Lineage, confined unto the pofferity of Abraham, Ifaac, Jacob, Judah, David. Our Lord Jefus, of thepoJferity ofAbraham, andTribe ofJudah, alto ofthe Family ofDavid. 2effimonier of the Evangeliftr vindicated. Jefoes exceptions in general anfwered. Tnparticular, the Genealogie,' not proved; anfeyed. The Genealogieof Matthew declared, and ofLuke. The placeof theBirth of the Meffiah, Bethlehem, Micah 5.2. Circumffances enforcing this confideration. The Evangeliffs Citation of the words of the Prophet vindi- cated. The Mef(ah to be born of a Virgin. Ifa. T. r o, r t. andMatth. r. 2r, 22. Jews convinced that Jefuswas born of a Virgin. Jews exception's, to the Application ofthis Pro- phecy. Their weight. The anfiver of lime unto them ; unfafe needleff. True fenfe of the words. Exceptions anfwereä. The fignification and of of rld71) Greatnefl of thefignpro- mild. No other Virgin andSon defigned butJefus Cbrift andhis Mother. The Prophecy cleared 'in this in fiance. Inwhat finfe the Birth of the Mjah, a fign of prefent delive- rance. Remaining Objetlioers anfwered.Other Charalers ofthe Meffiah. He was to be aPro- phet,Deut. t 8.r 9.A Prophet like unto Mofes.Expelled by the Jews. Jefus Chrift aProphet. That Prophet. The nature e f the Delirino whichbe taught. Its perfection. The worksof the Mefflab revealed, only in the Goffel ofChrifl ; a f the nature and endofMofaical Inflitutions. Threatnings unto the dfbediene fallen upon the Jews. Sufferings are an , other charaaer ofthe Mo/bah his Pafonforetold, true Meffiah therein intended Expofitions of Kitnchi and others confuted. Sufferings peculiar unto the Mefah. The Pfalmexatiÿ ful- filled in Jefus Chriff. Objections of the Jews from the principles ofChr f ions, anfwered. Ifa. 53. Prophecy of thefuffering of the Meftab. Confine of the Antient Jews. Targum. Berefhith Rabba. Talmud, Afhech. Invalidity of exceptions of latter Rabbins. Appli. cations to the LordJefus vindieatied. Other Teffimonies concerning the fufrings of the Mefliah. Jews Traditions to the fame purpofi. Other Arguments proving Jefus to be the trueMefliab.Miracles. The nature of them, wrought by Chrift; proved. Teftitnonyof the Gofjeel. Notoriety of Tradition. Miracles of Chrift compared with thofe ofMacs. Excel- ling them, in number; in manner of their beingwrought; in theirnature; in hisgiving power to others, toefll them ; inhis refurretlion from the Dead; continuance of them in the World. Jews felf-conviction evinced. Caufès of the miracles of Chrift, afftgned by them. Art Magical, retorted; removed. The name of God. Te(fimonies of his Difiples Succefi of the Doctrine ofJefus. Lail Argument. He third branch of that great fuppoftion and fundamental Article offaith, whereon theApoftle builds his Arguments and Reafonings; wherewith he . deals with the Hebrews is, that Jefus whom he preached was the true and only promifcd Meßiah who came forth from God for the accomplifhment of his work; according to the time determinedand foretold. The confirmation ofthis foundation of out faith; and prof ffion, is that whichnow in the third place we mutt engage in. A fubjefk this iswhereon l could infift at large, with much fatisfadion to my fetf; nor have I jull caufe to fear, that the matter treated of would he irkfom to anyChriffian Reader: But we mull have refpedi unto our prefent defign, for it is not abfolutely andof fit purpofe, that we handle there things, but meerly with re fpe6t unto that furtherend of opening the fprings of ehe Apolfler Divine reafonings 111