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zo8 Jefus ofNazareth the only True andProm f d 114efsiah, in this Epißle,and therefore mull contraét ( as much as may be the Arguments that vee have to plead in this cafe. And yet neither can this be Co done, but that fòmc con- tinuance of difcourfe will be unavoidably neceffary. And the murk we (hall procet I in, is the fine we:have paired through in our foregoing demonlirations of the promde o the Meßah, andof his coming. Our Arguments are nrlf to be produced, and dicated from the particular exceptions of the Jews, and then their oppofition toour Thefts in general, as to be removed, referring an Atífwer unto their fpecial Ob;eétions unto another Difrertation. $ z. That we may the more orderly annex our prefent Difcourfe unto that foregoing; our 'SAArgument (hall be taken from that which is proved, atad confirmed therein ; namely, the time limited and determined for the coming of the Mctliala. Two wagea there are, whereby the timeforaappointed ofGod for the coming tithe Mefìan,isfigui- ficd and made known.Firlf,By certain aev.zñpra, or evident token;taken from the Judsioal Church, with the $ate and condition of the whole people of the Jews. This we have infifted on from Gen. 49. to. Hagg. z. 8. Mal. 3. 1, a. Secondly, By a compu- tationof the time its felt as to its duration, from a certain fixed date unto its expira- tion. This way we have unfolded atad vindicated at large, fromDan.9.24,z5,2E,27. And although herein we haveevidenced the truth and exaé}nefs of the computation infifted on by us, as far as ally Chronological accounts of times Taft are capable of being demonfirated. Yet we have alfö manifested, that our Argument depends not on the precisebounding of the time limited ; But lying it maáae, is of equal force, however the computationbe calculated, the whole time limitedbeing undeniably ex- pired before, or at the defirudtionof the Cityand Temple. Hence is the foundation of our fir(f Argument. Bfareor at the expiration of that time the promised Meffiah was is come. Before, or at that time, as denoted and deferibed by the general ae"aíswx, or evident tokens before mentioned, and limited, by the. computation inilied on, came Jefus, and no other that the Yews can or dopretend to have been the Mph; and therefore hewas the true promisd Mefah. 0 3. Thefoundation of this Argument, namely, that the Meffiah was to come within the time limited,: prefixedand foretold cannot be flastken, without calling intoque(lion, the Trutt, of all promífs and medic: tons m the Old Tcllament, and confequently the faithfulnefs and powerofGod. The great design, whore lines aredrawn in the face, and whose fubffance (yes in the bowels of the Old Tefta;nert,. and which in the Spirit that enlivens the whole Marine, and dory of it, the bond of union, wherein' all the parts of it do center, without which they would be look, (tattered, and de- formed heaps, is the bringing forthof the M_illab, the Saviourof the world. With- out an apprehenfon of this defign and faith therein, neither can a letter of it be utt- derslcod, nor can a rational man discover any important Excellency in it. Him it promifeth ; Him it typifieth; Him it teacheth,andprophefeth about: Him it calls all men to delireand expet t. When it bath done thus, in several places it exprefly limits, foretells, and declares, the time wherein He (hall be sent and exhibited. If there be a failure herein, teeing it is done to give evidence to all other things chat are fpoken concerning him, bywhich they are to be tryed, and to f}and or fall, as they receive approbation or discountenance from thence. To what end should any man trouble himfelf, about that which is cast, as a fancy and empty imagination, by its own ver- diEt ? If then theMfah camenot within the time limited, all Expeétation from the Scripture of the Old Te(lament, mutt come to nought; which there, with whom at prefent wecontend, will not grant. Not can the Jews on fuch a fuppoftion, in any meafure defend the truth ofit agaiwfl an Infidel. For unto his enquiry where is the promifd Meßiah, "if they (hall plead their usual pretences. It is eaf a for him to reply, that there things bring no where mentioned, nor intimated in theBooks themselves : They are only fach fubterfuges as any manmay palliate the moil open untruths withal. And indeed , the ridiculous figment of his being born at the time appointed, but kept hid to this day, they know not where, is not to be pleaded, when theydeal with men not bereft of their fetes, or Judicially blindedby God. Forbetides, that the whole of it, is a childish, toyiíh ftition, inconl(lant with the nature and being of their Meßiab, whom, they make to be a meet' man feibjetf to mortality, inhis whole perfon, like all the other fous of Adam, it fuies not at all unto the difficulty intended, to be afroyled by it. For it is not his being bornonly, but alto his accomplishment of his ¡York and Office, at the time determined which is foretold. Nor is there stay one jot more of probability in their