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zip, Jefus of Nazareth the only True æncÌ `Ï'romfcl Me %.rræho that it is not Jefùs' Chrifi whom they intend in the wicked Story which they tell of that kits the Sin ofPandira. But_ the reafons thcy tnfitt on, ace of no cogency to procure the affent of any one, acquainted with their Writings ; no though the lat- ter jars themfelves (afhamed of the prodigious Iyes oftheir fore-fathers, and affraid to own theirblafphemies for fear of provoking the Chrit;ians againfl them ) do faintly(fomeof them) deny him to be the perfon intended. The names oftheir Parentr fay' they agreenot. The Lord Jefus was the reFuted Son ofjafeph, the true Sou of Mary. This3efisoftheTalmud, was theSon of Pandira and Stada. j(hallnot reply that Damiáfeenurlib. y. placeth a Panther; and Barpanther, on the Genealogie of Chrift, . nìaking the latter Grand-father to the *fled Virgin , feting it is evident,tiaat he borrowed that part of his Genealogie from fome corrupt Traditions of the yews. The reafon why theTalmudifls concealed the true names of the Parents of Jefus are evident ; for bÿ this means they more covered their malice, in one refpte , and gave' more blafphemous vent unto it, in another. They concealed it thus far, that every one might not pettedly underhand whom they intended , milers he were a Difciple of their own. And they gave it vent in the reflection they cuit upon the Evangelical Story, as though it had not given us the true names of the Parents of ye*. . And moreover, they gave thenafelves liberty by this means to coyn 'new Iyes at their pleafure, for they may fay what they would of their Pandira and Start,: though all the world knew it tobe falfe as to Jofeph and Mary. tinIT9, Pandira is a feigned name,infignificant,and invented by them for this onlypurppfe.They fometimes write it withn to themfdit inffead of i to`I+rog, Panthira : fo thatGalatinur doth pettedly contradict himfelf in this matter : for whereas lib. a. cap. 7. he contends that by Jefes theSon of Pandira mentioned in the Talmud, the Lord Jefus is not in- tended,,lib. 8. cap. 5. he afretts, that Jefus the Son ofPanthira, in wholename James the Juft healed the lick andwrought Miracles, was the Lord Yeller ; as indeed 'it was he, whom they intend alto in that Rory about James. But now Pandira and Panthira are the fame ; and fò alfo was he who they term his Son, NM= , Stada is alto a name ftamed to the fame end and as the learnedBuxtorf- fuppofcth from en Wm, one that went afide, declined, or was an Adulterefs. And they feign her 'to `have been a platter ofWomens hair, with other monftrous lyes at their pleafure; but yet ex- prefly in fundry.places confefsthat her true name was Mary, and as I fuppofe, from the imputations mentioned, do wilfully confound her with Marl Magdalen, as Moho- met didwith Miriam the Sifter ofMafia. TheftStories mutt befearched for in the Tal- mudPrinted atYenice , for they are left out in that printed at Bali!. The Excepti- ons is yit mor'e impertinent that the things which are afcribed unto Jeff's theSon ofPandira, can by no Means be accommodated unto Defies thrill. As thoughthe TalmudicalRabbins had ever accuflomed thetnfelves to !peakáutrue word concern- . inghim, -or as though they intendednot him in all chele blafphemous.lyes,where- with they and their fore-fathers reproached him; which is all one as if we fhould fay, that it was another and not the Lord /epee whom they accufëd ofSeditionblaf- phemies and feducing the people, becau a indeed he was molt remote from filch things. But yet alto there were fundry things which they afcribe unto thisJefiu the .$onof Pandira and Stada which makevery- apparent who it was whom they intend- ed ; forfirff, they fay that helearned Magick in .aEgypt, which upon his `being carried thither in his infancy, they afcribeunto him : Again, they fay he was a Seducer of the people; which we know was theaccttfation that they mannaged againit the Lord Jefur. - Again, They tell us a ftory concerning two men placed in a room near him, to over-hear his feducing; that fo theymight accule him; this they fay was their court to intrapSeducers, and thereof they give this inftance. 1711r:Ltni tiro =15 toy ht n>`t 71111. So they did to the. Son of Stada, and they hanged him on the Eve of the. Patover. The Witnef/is they fpeak of are no others but thefa fwitnefs mentioned 'Matt. 26. 60, 61. The kind of his death, hanged on a Tree, with the time of it, the Eve of the Pafever , do allo fully make naked their intentions. The Age only, or the time of his life remains, from whence any difficulty is pretended. This Jets theSon ofPandira they have affirmed to have lived in the dayes ofAlexander, and to havebeen crucified in the .dayes ofAriffobulus, an hundred, or an hundred and ten years before the birth ofChrift. But the myferie of this Fi6tion alfo is difcovered by Abraham Levita, in hisCabala Hzftoria. He tells on that the Chrillians' placed the death of