1, je1us ofNazareth the only True and PyonaiedMefsiah. whichhe derives from Nathan, is not at all the fame with that of Jofeph frothSolomor, iuffted on by Matthew. It is true, there' ace a Zerubbabel and Salathiel in both Genea- logies; but this proves not both the lines tobe the fame: For the lines of Solomon and Nathan, might by marriage meet in thefe perfons, and fo leave` it indifferent, whicli lipe was followed up to David, and the lines ofJofeph andMary might befeparated again in the pofterity of Zerubbabel, Matthew following one of them, 'ánd Luke the other. This, I fay, is poífible, but the Truth is, (as is evident from the courfe of generations isffled on) that theZerubbabel andSaathiel mentioned in Matthew, were not the fame perfons with thofe of the famenames in Luke, thole being ofthe houfe of3olomon; theft Ofthehoufe ofNathan. So thatírom Davidit is not the lineofJc- feph, but of the bleffed Virgin that is recited by Luke. And the words wherewith Luke piefáceth his Genealogy, do no way impeach thisaffertion, w u voµíSSro qds Lucrko a Hñli for whereas thefe words ,:,s ieouís7o, as was fuppofed, are uitally placed and read in Parenthefs, theFarentbtJis may be better extended unto o Hsi, including Jo- feph s being (as was fuppofed, the Son ofJofepb) theSon Reif : Or Jo(Cpb may be laid tobe theSon ofHeli, becaufe hisDaughter was efpoufedunto him, otherwife the true natural Fatherof Jofeepb, was Jacob,' as Matthew declares, Hell being the Father of thebleffed Virgin : So that both legally and naturally our Lord, Defier Chrift was a defcendant ofthehoufe and lineage of David, according unto the promife. And as this wasunqueflionable among theJews in the daies of his convedátion in the flea); fothe prefent Jews have nothing of moment to oppofe unto theft unqueftionablc Records. $f. 16. This is the firft Charaaerifiical Note given of the Mefiah, whereby he might be known , and it hath ftrength added unto it by. the Providence of God, 'in that all Genealogies among the Jews, are now fo confounded, and have been fo, forf> many Generations, that it is utterly impoffible that any one thould rife amongst them,, and manifefì'hind-elf tobeof this, or that particular Family. The burning of their Ge- nealogies by Herod; the extirpationofthe Family of David by Vefpafian, and their one thoufand and fix hundred years difperfion, have put an utter end unto all probability aboutthe Genealogiesamongft them. The Jews indeed pretend that the Family of the Mefiah [halt be revealed by eheMiracks that he fhould do ; that is, by knowing him to be the Meah, they (hall know of what Family he is. But this note ofhis Family is givenout to knowhim by ; 31ór are we any where dire6ed to learn his Fa- mill, from our knowledge of him. 3. 57. Another note or fign pointing ,out theMeffiah in Prophecy, was theplacé wherehe thould be born, which added unto theTime wherein, and theFamilywhereof,he thould be brought forth, evidently defigned his perfon. This place of his Nativity is fore- told, Mich. 5. v. 2. sr +7 `lnC n11rn 194131 rn+n 1+ys nm9N r=n5n1 nrF4f Ct7ty +n+n 1r1p0 until 17ät 'tN1t2,1 'Mt) 311'74 "Ind thou Bethlehem Ephra- ta, is it (or it is) little for thee to be amongfl the thoufands of Judah; out of thee lita!! come forth unto me, he that fha!! be Ruler in Ifrael, whof. goings forth are from of old, from the daies yf eternity. That of old this Prophecy was under- flood by the Church of ,the Jews, to denote the place of the birth of the Mefflabswehave an illuffrions teftimony in the records ofthe Chriftian Church, Mattb., 2. 5, 6. Upon thedemand ofHerod, where theMeah fhotild be born, the ChiefPrieffs and Scribes affirmwith one content, that he was tobe born at Bethlebem; confirming their judgement by this place of the.Prophet. And afterwards when they fuppofed thatour Lord- Jefus had been born in Galilee, becaufé he lived there, they made this an Argument againft him, becaufe he was not born accordingto the Scripture in Beth- lehem,the Town where Davidwas, Joh,7.41,42. Andwe have the concurrence of their own Teflimony in this matter : So the Chaldée Paraphrafe renders thefe words, tittftt nti7 HY+ 15 -pm out of thee fhall come forth to me the Ruler, P91 ' sip To to tt+ 1aÿ Nn1W13 nut of theefhafl come forth to me the Meffiah, who fhall have the dominion ; taking it for granted, that he it is whom this place is fpoken of. So alfo N, Solomon expounds the place, "TN row?. nn;111N1 nani 194040 ¡1l, ii ITT 11ti p n+u1n N,11 15 inn -law r113sOrl rift filt7 J9 i790 n11n1 195!2 i'11notrma t&c. {ONO pt.% "Uis N1n j71 little to be in the thoufand.e of Judah, that if, thou de- fèrveff to be fo,- becaufé of the prophanation of Ruth the Moabitefs, who was in thee,- out of thee fhall come forth to me the Meffiah, the Son of David ; and fé he faith, the Clone which the builders refuted : And though Kimcbi feems to deny that the Prefab &all be born in Bethlehem, yet he grants that it is he, who is here prophefied of, . out