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224 JefusofNazareth the only True andProlnfedMeffiah. thing caneverbe altered in their Law, becaufe no Prophet-was ever to arife of equal Authority with him, who was their Law giver. But the words of the Text are plain. The Prophet here foretold, was to be like unto him, wherein hewas peculiar and exempted from compatifon withall other Prophets, which were to build On his foundation, without adding any thingto the Rule ofFaith and Worfhip whichhe had revealed, or changing any thing therein. In that, is the Prophet here promifed to be like unto him. Thatis, he was to be a Law-giver to the Houfe of God, as our Apoftle proves and declares, chap. 3. r, 2, 3, 4, 5. Andwe have the content of the molt fober among the Jewsto the [acne purpofé. The words of the Author ofSeeher Ikkarim lib. 3. cep. ro. are remarkable. "tw9N. +Nt t13141] .7V1 113 'MOD n'7 tann tt140linw 1.inn'tna 123 1='71p7 lrit 1p+N4w vntmran31n7 init]7t=ip í25w NrlN=1713,151n1wwa1p1N4w1]14 1r1107t=pt w11+0 t=p 2141=117 ;Wartnpnann ip 1nrN f =i,br ri 170112 Tnt 11/123 477w 101'1 nVI1N 1.100 11171 IN 1r11íM NM 137 "Nip .'l3N 1r1107., .It cannot be, that there fhould not at fame time, ierif a Prophet, like unto Mofes, orgreater thenhe; for Mfah the King fhould be like him, or greaterthen be t but thus, tbefe words, there arofe nonelike him, ought to be i terpreted,>zot as though nonefhould :ever he like him, but that none fhould be like him, as te,particularquality or accident ; or that in all the (pace oftime, wherein the ProphetsP- lowedhim, until Prophecyceafes nonefheuldbe like unto Moles; but hereafter there fall be one like him, or rathergreater then he. This is that which we-a.+firmed before, in the wholeSeriesofProphets that fucceeded in that Church building on Mofle foundation, therewas none like unto him s bú1 the Prophet here promifed was to be fo, and iu other regards, asappears from otherTeflimonies,' far greater then he. This was of old their common faith from this prediiion ofMofer. And wherein tills likenefs was to confift; our Apoflle declares at large in his thirdchapter. Mores was thegreat Law. giver, by whomGod revealed his mind, and will, as tohis whole Worfhip, whiltf theChurch State inflituted by himwas to continue. Such a Prophet wastheMefflab to be, a Law-giver, fo as to abolifh theold, and to inGGute newKites of Worfhip, as we fhall afterwards morefullyprove and confirm. (4. ) This raifing up of a Prophet, likeunto Mofis,declares that the whole will ofGod; as to hisWorfhip,and the Churches obedience; was not yet revealed. Had it fo been, there would have been no need of a Prophetlike unto Mofs, to laynew foundationsas he had done. Thofe who fucceeded building on what he had fixed, and therefore faid not to be like unto him, would have fuf&ced. But thereare new counfels oftheWill ofGod, as yet hid; to be finally and fully revealed by thisProphet. And after his work is done, there is no intimationof any further Revelation to et;rue.. (5.) The prefence ofGod with this Prophet in his work is fet down. He wouldput bis word into his mouth, or (peak inhim, as-our Apoftle expreffeth the fame matter, chap. r. v. I. And lathy, his Min is' further defcribed from the Event, with terped unto them who would not fubmit unto his Authority, nor receive the Law of God at his mouth. God would require it at their hands, that is, as thofewords are interpreted by Peter, they fhould be cut offfrom among his people, or from being fo. And thisfignal Commination in the accomplifhment ofit, gives light unto thewhole preedidlion. Some ofthe Jews from thefe words have fancied unto themfelves another great Prophet, whom they expeeh asthey did of old, before the comingof the Meffiah. So in their dealing with John the Baptiff, they asked him whether he was Elias, which he denied, becaufe, though he were promifed under, thatname, yet he was not that individual perfan whom they looked for, that is the foul of Elias the Tifhbite, as Kimchi tells us with a body nfw. created like unto the former, Wherein they further demand whether he were ó apoynlns, the Prophet pro- mifed by Mofes, which healto denies, becaufe that Prophet was no other then the Mef- (iah, Joh. t'. 2t. To this purpofe alto is it, that the Spirit ofthe Lord is promifed m refs upon theMeab, Ifa. t t. 3. to make himofquickunderflannding in thefear of thelord, that be might notjudge after thefight ofhis eyes, mac. v. 3, 4, 5. So alfo rap. 61. 1, 2. And from thisgreat Prophet, were the yes of the Gentiles to receive' the Lau', chap. 42. r, 2. The . fummof all is, the Mef/ah was robe a Prophet, a Prophet likeunto Mofes ;that is a Law- giver, one that fhould finally andperfeély reveal the whole will and counfel of God ; all with that Authority, that whofoever refuted to obey him fholeld be exterminated, and tuft out from the priviledge of being reckoned among the peopleofGod. We are then inthenext place to confider the Accomplifhtnentof this promife, in 4' 36. the perron of Jefus of Nazareth. Now this the flory of him-and the'event do abun- dantly teflibe, that he was a Prophet, and fo efteemed by the Jews" themfelves, until through