z2,6 Jefus ofNazareth theonly True andPromifed Meffiah. give any tolerable eonjeéture how thefe things thould be effected 'and brought about, But all this is fully declared.by this.Prophet bimfelf. In his Doctrine, in what he taught,doth this great and hidden mytterieof the Reconciliationand Salvation ofman- kind open it Ofglorioufly to'theminds and underfiandings ofthem that believe, whole eyes the Godof thin world bathnot blinded, and them alone; for although this promiree of the Megfah was all that Godgave out untoAdam, and by him unto his pofterity to keep their hopes alive in their miferable condition in the Earth, yet fuch was its ob. fcurfty, that meeting with the minds of men fullofdarkuefs, and hearts fet upon the purfuit oftheir lulls, it was asto the fubliance of it, utterly loft to the greateft part ofmankind. Afterwards the thing it félf was again retrived unto the faith and know- ledge offome bynew Revelations and Promifes, only the manner of its accomplifhment was täll loll, hid in the depthsof theboforn of the Almighty. But as we faid by the preaching of3efur, bdth the thing its felt, and themanner of it, arc togetherbrought to light , made known, andeftablifhed, beyond all the power of Satan, to prevail againft it. This was the work of thepromifedProphet; this was done by Jefùr ofNa- zareth, who is therefore both Lordand Chrift. 0.39. Thirdly, We havealfo declared, howGod inhis Wifdom and Soveraigntyrcftrained the Promife unto Abrahamand his pofferity, fhadowing out among them the accom- plithnient Of it in Mafaieal Rites andIn(titutions. And their alfo receivedmanifoldEx- plications by the fucceeding Prophets. Fromthe whole, a Syffeme of Worfhipand Do- ¿trine did arife, which turned wholly on this hingeof thepromifed Mefliiab, relating in allthings to the falvation to be wrought by him. But yet the will and mind of God was in this whole difpenfation fo folded and wrapt up inTypes, fo vailed and fhadowed by carnal Ordinances, fo obfcure and hid in Allegorical Expreffions, that the bringingofthemforth untolight, the removal of theclouds and fbades that were cot upon them, with a declaratión of the Nature, Reafon, and Ufe of all thofe Inftitu- Lions,. was a work no leg glorious then the very firft Revelation of the pro- mife it felt This wasthatwhich was reférved for thegreat Prophet, the Mefiriab ; for that God would prefcribe Ordinances and Inftitutions unto his Church, whole full Nature, Ufe, andEnd, lhould beeverliikingly unknown unto them, is unreafonable to imagine. Now this is done in the,Dóe`drine of our Lord Jefus Chrift. The fpiritual End, Ufe and Nature ofall there Sacrifices, and Typical Inflitutions, which unto themwho were converfantonly with their outlide. Servile performances were an infktportabkyoke of kondage, as the Jews find them unto this day, being never able to fatisfie themfelves in their molt fcrupulous attendance unto them, are all trade evi- dent and plain, andall that was taught by them accomplifhed. This wad the work of the Prophet, likeuntoMofes. He fulfilled the End, and unvailed the mind of God in all thefe Inftitutions. Andhe hath done it fo fully, that whoever looks upon them through his declaration of them, cannot but be amazed at the blindncfs and itupidity ofthe joys, whorejeting the Revelation of the Counfelof God byhim, adhere per- tinacioufly unto that whereof theyunderhand aright no one title or fyllable : for thereinnot the meaneffCbriffian, who isinftruéted in 'the Doctrine -of the Gof0, but cangives better account of the Nature,'Ufe, and End of M,fücal InJtitùtioüs, then all the profound Rabbins in the world either can, or evercould do. He that is lea/t in the Kingdom ofGod, beinggreater in this lightand knowledge, then John Baptifi fell, who yet wasnot behind any oftheProphets that went before him. This I fay, is that which the promifedProphet was todo and moreover, to add the Lilhtutions ofhis own immediate Revelations, even as Males had given them the Law of Ordi- nancesofold. And in this fuperinftiíutionof newOrdinances of Worfhip thereby lit - percedingthofe inttituted byMofes, was he likeunto him, as was foretold. st, 40. Lathy, TheEvent confirms the Applicationof this Chandler unto the Lord Jefus. Whoever fhould notreceive the word of this Prophet, God threatens to require it of him, that is, as themfelves confefs,. to exterminate them from among the number of his people, or to rejedh them from being fo. Now this was. done by the body of the jewifb Nation ; theyreceived him not, they obeyed not his voice, and what was the endof this their difobedience ? they who for their defpifing, perfecuting, killing the former Prophets, were only corrected, chaftened, atfiétcd, and again quickly re- covered, out of theworft and greatelt of their troubles, upon their rejeétion ofhim, and difobedience unto his voice, are cut off, deffroyed, exterminated from theplace oftheir folemnWorthip, andutterly reje&ed from being the poople ofGod. What- ever maybeconceived tobe contained in the commination againft thofe who dilobeye the