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JefusofNazareth the only TruedndProm* ed Metiah.1z7 thevoice of that Prophet promifed, is -all of it to the fall, and in its.whole extent, come upon the Yews, uponand for theft difohedience unto the DoCirineof f efics of Nazareth which added unto the foregoing conlderations, undeniably prove him to have been that Prophet. There isyet another Chara9er given of the Mefab in theOld Teffament, namely, 0 41, in whathe was toffee in the world, in the dilchargeofhis work and office. This be- ing that wherein the main foundation of the whole was to conffi, and that which God knew would be moll contrary to the appre ;enlion, and expe&ation of that carnal people, isof all other notes of him, molt clearly and fully alferted. The na- ture and effetas Of theft fit ringr of the Meffiah, and how they were to be fatif- 'faftory to theJuftice of God (without which apprehenfion of them, little ox no- thing of the promife, or of Mofàical Inftitutions can rightly be underllood) becaufe wemutt treat of them in our explication of the Epiffle it felf, {hall nor here be in- fitted on. ' It is fufficient Unto our prefent intention, that we prove that the Mefah was tofuffer, and that as many other miferies, fo death it felf; and this his futfering is foretold as aCharacter to know and difcern himby , that 7efus of Nazarethby fo 'many other demonftrations, and evident tokens proved to be the Meffiah, did alío fir£ fer theutmofl that could be infliéted ona man, and inparticular the thingsand evils which the Mefab was to undergo, we !hall not need to prove; the Yews confers ir, and even glory that their forefathers were the infirumental caufe of his fufferings. Neiti,erdoth it. at prefent concern us to declare what he fudered from God himfelf, what from man, what from Satan, : in his life and death, in his foul and body, andall his concernments ; it being abundantly fufficient unto our prefent purpofe, that he fitffeted allmanner of miferies ; and tally, death it fell, and that not for himfelf, but for the fins of others. The firft evident Teltittnony given hereunto, is in Pfal. 22. from the beginning to 4 42. the 22. verb' thatfis$erings, and thofe very great and unexpreffible, are treatedof in this Pfalm, theYews themfelves confels, and the matter is too evident to be denied. That derelidionof God, tortures and pains in body and foul, reviliùgs, mockings, with cruel death, are fufrings, is certain, and they are all here fore-told. Again, it is evident, that fore individual perfon is defigned as the fubjedof chore fufferings. Moil ofthe Jews would interpret this Pfalm of the body of the people, to whom not one line in it can be properly applyed ; for befides, that the perfon intended, is fpoken of fingularly throughout the whole Prophecy, he is altoplainly dittinguilhed from all the people, ofwhat Curtfoever; from theevil amongft them who reviled and perfeeutedhim, v.g, 8. and front the refidue, whom he calls his Brethren, and the Congregation of Ifrael, v. er. It cannot then be the Congregation of Ifrael that is fpoken of; for how can the Cotogregatiortof Ifrael be faid to declare the praifes of God, before the Con- gregation of Ifrael, which is the fummof Kimchi's Expolition. Some of them from the title of theKahn -rem rldlst 1-t17 ; for the bind of the morning, would have it to be a Prophecy of Helfer, who appeared as beautiful as the morning in the deliverance of Ifrael. But as the Title is of another importance, refpet%ng the nature ofthe Pfalm, not theperfon treated of in it, fo they.are not able to apply one verte orword in it unto her. - Others of them plead, that it is Davidhimfelf who is intended ; and this is not without fore lhadow ofTruth; for David might in fore things propofe hisown afflictions and fuferings, as Types of the fufferings of the Mefiah. But there are many things in thisPfalm that cannot be appliedunto him abfolutely. When did any open their lips, and (hake their beads at him, riling the words mentioned, v.7,8? When was he, Or his bloodpoured forth like water, and all his bones dif- joynted, 5. 14? When were his hands andfeet pierced, v. T6? When did any part hisgarments, andeaff lots on his vef{ure, v. t 8 ? When was he brought to the duff of death, before his lati and final diffolution, P. 15 ? And yet all there things were to be accomplifhed in the perfon of him, whois principallytreatedof in this Pfalm. This wholePfalm_then is a Prophecy of the Meffiah, and abfolutely of no other, as ÿ 43. may further'be evidenced from fundry paffages in the Pfalm it felf. For fish, it treats of one in whom the welfare of the whole Church was concerned t they are therefore all of them invited to ,praife the Lord onhis account, and for the event and fucee1 ofhis fufferingswhich they had thebenefitof, v.22,23, Secondly, it is he, by whom themeekihaV be fatisfied, and obtain life eternal, v. 26. Thirdly, upon hisfryffrings, as the eventand fuecefs ofthem the Gentiles are to he gathered in unto God, v. 27. Ail amends of the World /hall remember and turn unto the Lord, and all the kindreds of the G g a Nations