z .S jefusofNarareth the only Trtse andPromifed .i of iah. Nations (hall worfhipbefore thee. And this by the confeffionof the Jews is the proper workof the Mef?iab, to be effected in his dayes and byhim alone. Fourthly, The preaching ofthe Truth and Righteoufnefsand Faithfulnefs ofGod inhisPromife un- to all Nations, that is of the Goffel, enfues on the fufferings defcribed, v. 31. which they alto acknowledge tobelong unto his dayes : So that it is the Mefliah and he alone, who is abfolutély and ultimately intended in this Pfalm. 4. 44 Now the whole of what is here prophefiedon, was fo exa6tly fulfilled in Jeffsof Nazareth, in all the inftances of it, that itappears to be fpoken direétly of him, and no other. The manner of his fufferings isfcarccly more cleared, exprefied in the Story of ii by theEvangéli(fs, then it is here foretold by David in Prophecy, and therefore, many paffages out of this Pfalm are expreffed by them in their Records. He itwas who preffed with a fenceofGods dereliétion cryed out, My God, my God, why haff.tbou . forfaken ine? He it was that was accounted, a worm and no man, and reviled and re- proached accordingly ; at him did men wagg their heads, and reproach him with his truft inGod his holies were drawn out ofjoint by the manner of his fufferings : bis hands and feet were pierced, and upon his Vrefures lots were calt s upon hisfufferings were the truth and Promifes of God declared and preached unto all the world.: fo that it is his furèring alone which is before hand defcribed in this Pfalm. 4. 45. But the Jews exceptagainft our Application of this Pfalm unto the Lordjefus, as they imagine from our ownprinciples, and greatly triumph in their fuppofed Advan- tage, indeed in their own blindnefs and ignorance. fefas they tell us, in,the opinion ofChrifians was God, andhow can thefi things be fpoken of God ; bow could Godcry out, ny God, my God, why hail thou forfàlten me, how could men pierce the hands andfeet of God. And-fundry of the like queries are made by Kimebi on the feveral paffages of this Pfalm. But we know of how (lender importance thefe things are. He who fidfered was God ; but hefuffered not as God, norin that whereinhe was God ; for he was man alfo, and as man, and in that wherein he was man, did he fuffer. But then ig- norance of the union of theDivine andHumane nature in the Perron ofChrift, each na ture preserving its diltinf properties and operations, is a thing Which they would byno means be perfwaded to part withal], becaufe it liands them, as they fpppofe, in great ftead, as furnifhing themwith thofe weak and pittiful Objections that they aft to make againfi the Gofpet. 4.46. Wehave yet anotherfgnalTeffimony untothe fame purpofe, Ifa. 53. as the outward _mannerof the fufferings ofthe Megah, with their a6tings who were inftrùmental there- in, is principally conftdered in Pfalm 22. fo the inward nature, end and effcét of them, are declared in this Prophecy. There are alfo fundrypaffages, relating unto the Cove- nant between the Lord Chrift and his Father, for the carrying on of the workof Redemption by this way of fuffering,. which the antient Yews not underffauding'his Perfonal fübíffeuce beforehis Incarnation, referred unto his ford, which they imagine to have been createdat the beginningof the world. Now is there any Prophecy that fills the prefent Rabbins withmore perplexities, or drives them to more abfurdities and contradiCïtions. It is not our prefent bufinefs to explicate the particular paffages ofthe Prophecy, or tomake Application of them unto theMeffrah. It hash beendone already by fundry learned men, and we altohave cats our mite into this San6uary on _another occafron. That which we infili on, is obvious to all ; namely, that dreadful( fuffirings in Soul and Body, and that from the Will and good pleafure ofGod, for ends exprelFed in it,are hereforetold and declared.Our enquiry is alone,after the Perfon fpoken of for whoever he be, the yews will not deny, but that he was to fuffer all forts of calamities. That it is the Mellish and noneother, we have notonly theEvidence of the Text andContext, andnature of the fubje6k matter treatedof, with the utter impoflibi- lity ofapplying the thing fpoken of untoany perfon, without theoverthrow of the whole faith of the Antient Church, but alto all the advantage from the confeffion of the Yews that can be expet`ted or .need to be defired front Adverfaries. Tor, 4. 47. Firtt, Themolt Antient and belt recordsof their Judgement,exprelly affirm thePer- ron fpoken of, tobe theMefah. This is thé Targum on the place which themfelves efleem of unquestionable, if not of Divine Authority.. The fpring and rife of the whole Prophecy, as the Series of theDifcourfe manifella is in 0.13. of Chap. 5z. and there, the words 113ÿ 'nun run ; Behold my frvantfhall proffer, or deal wifely, are rendered t'Wl by Jonathan, tt '11y. ribs N7; Behold my fervant the Meffiah fhall prafe): And among others, the fifthverf ofChap. 53. is fo Paraphrafed by him, as that none ofthe yews will pretend any"other to be intended 24)]1n7 7rtnxl muripo n'1 loon