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/ Jefus of Nazareth the only (True and ProofedMefiah. tzp N]4 *nun 611r1 ' r i n9 ! +1r. n i]1 rn`ly 11D1 b th 1 t29+7N11 t¢Jn+11,71 iDJntt. And be fball- build the FCoufè of our Salta'nary , which is prophanedfor our fins, and de- livered fir our iniquities, and in his Do5lrine /ball peace be multiplyed unto u, ; andwhen we obey his word, our fin (hall be forgiven us. Wherein though he much pervert the Text, yet togive us that 'fed:, which by their ownconl'elho is applicable only to the Mefiah : whereby as by other parts ofhis interpretation, he flopt the way untothe prefent Rabbinical evafions. The Tranflation ofthe LXX, they have formerly avouched as their own. And this alai plainly refers the words to the Mefliah and his fufferiugs; though fomewhat more obteurely then it is done in the Original. In the Talmud its felt, lib. Saned. Traliat. C'helek:. among other names they affign un- to the Meffiab, fi+41n, is one became it is laid in this place, fitt. liar 1]+List jJft, truly he bore our infirmity. We havetheir antient Rabbins making the fame acknow- ledgement. To this purpofethey fpeak in Berefhith Rabbet on Gen. 24..67. This is Mef= flab the King who (hall be in the Generation of the wicked; andfbaltrejeEi them , and chute the blef edGod and his holy name; to freue him with bis whole heart. tppn4 117 oft Toll Glyn 111)yn161 01+5`! `11111+ 1y1 man". And he 'hall fit hií heart to fiek mercy for Ifrael, to faff, and to humble himfelffor them, 1]+ytne0 `lcill.t /1111 'X) ; ar it is faid (Ifa.53. ) hewas woundedfor our TrangreJT.ms, topo N11 t71iq 'in h[ft1t.m31 1J'7 NO) 1n11n11 ' w O ITI y1+4q. And when lfrael.finneth, he feeketb mercy for them,- a it ii faid again, and by bis (tripes are we healed. Sò Tanchuma on v: 13. Chap. 52. MVO to ; this is King Meah. And not to repeat more particular Teftimonies we have their full confeffion in Alfheeh on the place, with which I (hall clofe the content. t5W `jet) Lly 15]]1 10++j 111/1 no +1i1 1]1; Behold eur Ma- ifers of bledmemory with one confènt determine according as they received by Tradition, that -it is concerning Mph the King that theft words are f oken. And therefore Abar- bìnel himfelf, who of all his companions hath taken mot} pains to corrupt andpervert this Prophecy, confeffeth that all their antient Wife men confinted with BenVzziel in his Targum. So that we have as full a fuffrage unto this Charatier of theMefliah, from theJews themfelves, as ranbe defired or expected. We have ltrength also added unto this Teftimony. by the weaknefl ofthe opppftion which atpreterit they make unto our Application of this place unto the Mefliah. It is rather rage then reafon, that here they truft unto and teem to cry, pereant ter amici, dummodot inimici pereant. LetTargum ,Talmud,CabalTradition, former Mallets be efteemed Lyars, and deceived ; fo that Chriffians maybe difappointed. New Expofi= tions and, Applicatioi s of this Prophecy they .coin, wherein theyopenly contradict one another yea, the tame man (asAbarbinel) fömetimes himfelf; and when they have done, fuggelt fuch thingsas are utterly incontinent with the faithof the antient Churchconcerning the Mefliah , with follies innumerable no way deferving our ferions conlideration. The chief things which they.moft confidein, we fhall fpeedilyremove out of our way. FirB, Someofthem fay,that this Prophecy indeed eoncerneth the Mefliah, but not Mefliah Ben David,. who (hall be alwayes victorious, but Mefliah Ben Jofeph, who (hall be Bain in Battel again/( Gogand.Magog. But (1.) This figment wholly overthrows the faith of the trueMefliah; and they may as well make twenty as two of them. ( a.) That Ben 3oreeph whom they have coyned in their own brains, is tobe a. great Warriorfrom his Brut appearance, and aftermany Victories to be Bain in a Battle, or at lean, be reputed fo tobe. But thisProphecy is concerning aman, poor, deftitute, defpifed, afided all his life, bound, imprifoned, rejected, (corned; condemned and !lain under a pretenceof Judgement, no one thing whereofthey do, or can afcribeun- to their Ben jofeph. z. Others feign that the trueMefliab was born .long ago, and that he lived among!} the leprous people at the Gates of Rome, being 'himfelf leprous , and full of fores; -which as they fay, is foretold in this Prophecy. Such monitrons imaginations as thefe might not be repeated without Come kind of participation in the folly of their Au- thors, but thatpoor immortal fouls are ruined by them; and that they evidencewhat a foolith thing man is when left untohimfelf, or judicially given up toblindnefs and unbelief. We are ready to admire at the fenfelefs liupidity of their fore-fathers, they do fo themfehtes, who chofe to worthip Baal andMoloch,rather then the true God,who had fo eminently revealed himfelf unto them ; but it doth no way exceed that of thofe who have lived time their rejection Of the true Mefliah; nor 'do we need any other inttance then that before us tomake good our Obfervation. And yet neither t doth 4. 48.