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230 Jefus ofNazareth the only True and` rom f dMefriab. Both this Prodigie of folly , this leprof, in any thing anfwer the words of the Pro- phecy ; nor indeed hash any countenance from anyone word therein ; thatfingle word they rated upon, fignifying anykind of infirmities or forrows in general. 3. Some of them, apply this Prophecy to Jeremiah, concerning whom Abarbinel af- firms and that truly, that none Line or Verle in the whole can with any colourable pretence be applyed unto him ; which alfo I have in particular' manifefted on another occafon. Himfelfapplies it two wayes : (1. ) To_Ma; ( 2. ) To the whole ho- ' dy of the people ; contradi&ing himfelf in the Expofition of every particular in- fiance, and the truth in thewhole. But it isthe 'whole people in theirJail defolation that they chiefly defire to wreil thisProphecy unto. But this is ( r. ) Contraryto the Teftimony of their Targum, and Talmud, all their antient Matters, and fome-of the wifeft of their latter Do&ors. ( 2. ) To their own principles , profeffion and be- lief; for whereas they acknowledge that their prefeut mif-ry is continued on them for their fins, and thatif they could but repent and live to God, their Meffiah would undoubtedly come; this place fpeaks of the perfe& Innocency and Righteoufsefs of him that fuffers, no way on his own account deferving fo to do, which if theyonce afctibe unto themfelves, their Meffiah being not yet come,. they muff for ever bid adiew to all their expe&ations of him. (9. )Contrary to the exprefs words of the Text, plainly defcribing one individualPerfrin. ( 4. ) Contrary to the Context, 'diftin- guilhing the people of the Jews, from him that was to fuller by them, among them, and for them, v. 3, 4, 5, 6. ( 5.) Contrary to every particular affertion and paf= fage in the whole Prophecy, no one of them being applicable unto the body of the people, And all thefe things are fo manifeft unto every one who (hall but read the place with attention, andwithout prejudice ; that they hand not in need of any farther confirmation : Hence Johannes Ifaac confeffeth, that the confideration of this place, was the means of his eonverfion. 4. 49 Again, The whole workpromifed from the foundation of the world to be accom- plifhed by the Mefffah, is here afcribed unto the perfon treated óf, and his fufferings. Peace with God is to beMade by his Chaflifement, v. 5. and healing of our.wounds by fin, is from his ftripes. hie bears the iniquity of the Church, v. 6. that they may find acceptance withGod. In his hand the pleafure of the Lord for the Redemption of his people, was to profper, v. to. And he is to juftifie them for whom he dyed, v. r r. If thefe and the like things here mentioned may be performed by anyother, the Mel- firth may flay away, there is nowork for him to do in this world. But if thefe are the things which God hath promifed that he ¡hall perform, then he, and none other ' is here intended. 50. Neither are the Cavils ofthe Jews, about the Applicationof Come expreflions unto the LordJifus, worth the leaft confideration. Forhefides that they may allof them be eafily, removed, the whole being exa&ly accomplifhed in him, and his pail on fa forth beyond any inflance of a Prophetick dcf-riptionof a thing future, in théwhole Scripture, let them but grant that the true and only Meffiah was to converfe among the people in a defpifed, contemned , reproached condition, that he was to be teje- tedby them, to beperfecuted, to fuffer, to bear our iniquities, and that from 'the handofGod, tomake his foul an Offering for fin , by thatmeans fpiritually to redeem and fave his people, andas themfelves know well enough , that there is an end of this Controverfie, fo the Lord Jefus mutt and will on all hands be acknowledged to be thetrue and onlyMef iiah. st. 51. But that we may not feem to avóid any of their pretences, or exceptions that they make ufeof when theyare preffedwith thisTeflimony, I (hall briefly confider what their latter Mailers,who think themfelves wifer ; in the Authors' of their Targum, and Talmud, and all their ancient Do&ors who with one coolest acknowledge the Meffiah to be intended in this Prophecy , and wre(i it unto the People ofthe Jews them-, felves, unto whomnot one line or word of it is applicable, do obje& unto our in- terpretation of the place. Pith, Then they fay, it is not the Prophetfrom the Lord; nor in thePerfons of the people of the Jews, but the Kings of the Earth which for- merly hadáflii&ed them, who are mentioned Chap. 52. V. 15. who utter and fpealt the words of this Chapter, in an admiration of the blefl'ed eftate that the Jews (ball at length attain unto. Anfw. Any manthat (hall but view 'the Context, will eafily fee the fliamefull follyof this evalion. For (r.) Where is there any inflance inthe whole Scripture of the like introdu&ion of Aliens and Forreigners, and the Prophets perfonating of them in what they fay , and why should fach a fingular imagination here