2,3z JefusofNazareth the only True andPromifed Meffiah, Iç. We may yet add Come other Teftimonies to the fame purpofe. Daniel tells us, cap. 9. v. 25. fTw rill+, McJJiah [ball be cut off, that is, from the Land of the Living, , and that not for himfelf. And Zech. 9. 9. It is faid, he [hall be +ly poor ; and in Ins bell condition, riding on an Afl; which place is interpreted by Solot'nan, Jarchi, and others, of the Mefiab He was alfó to be pierced, chap. rz. io. Being the Shepherd, chap. r 3.7. The td",D the King as the Targum, that was to be fmitten with the fword of theLord. The Judge of Ili' that was to be fmittenwith the,Rod on the cheek, Mich... r. All denoting hisperfecution and fuffering. $ SS' Agreeable unto theeTeftimonies the Jewsthemlèlves have á Tradition about the fufferings of the Mph, which fometimes breaks forth amongft them. In Midrafb Te- híilim, on Pfeil a. Rabbi Hana in thename of Rabbi Idi, fycs,,that the Meffab muff bear the thirdpart of theA litlion that [hall ever be in the world. And R. Machir, ist Abkath Kocheb, affirms, that God inquired of the foul of the Mr f iah at the beginning of the Crea- tion, whethe. he Would endure fufferings and afi ions for the purging away the fins of bit people, towhich he anfwered, that he would bear.them with joy. And that there fàfferings of the Mefliah are fuch, asthat without theconfideration of them, no rational, account can begiven ofany of their Cervices or facrifices,, [hall in ourExpolition be fully de- clared'. Now uponthere Teft,monies it is evident, that .the great Argument ufed by . the Jews to difprove Jefus of Nazareth from being the true Mr íiah, namely, his mcannefs, poverty, perlccutiens, and fufferings in this world, lothftrongly confirm thetruth of -our faith, that he only was fo indeed. S unto thefe Characters givenof the Meliiah, we may alto fubjoyn fundry invincible Arguments proving our Lord JefusChrilt 'to be he that was promilid. I thall add on- ly fòme few of. them, and that very briefly, becaufe they have been by others in an efpecial manner atlarge infi(ted on. Firft, Thenhe teftìhed of himfelf that he was the McNeal', and that thole whobe- lieved not that he was fo, fhonld perifh in their fins. Now bccaufe, according unto a general Rule he granted, that although the Tcflitnony which he gave concerning himfclf, being theTetlimony ofthe Sonof God, was true, yet that it might be jellify liable to exceptionamongft them, for the confirmationof his Affection he appeals to theworks that he wrought, iffuing the difference and queltiou about his Telfimony in this, that ifhis works were not filch as ncvr any other man wrought, or ever could work; but theMeffiahonly, that they fhould be at liberty as to their believing in him. The workr, faith he, that my Father bath given me tofinifh, the fataeworkrtbat I do, bear witneff ofme; that the Father bathfineme, Joh. 5.36. that is, to be the Melfiah. His own Recordhe Sells to be true, appeals alto to the Teltimonyof John, butthews it withall iuferiour to thofe other witneffes which he had; namely, the Scripture ancL his own works. And fo alto,, chap. io. 37. If Ido not the works of my Father, believe me not. .:57. Many things might be infifled on for the confirmation of this Argument ; I (hall on- , ly point at. the Heads of them ; nor is there more neceffary unto our prefcnt put- pofe. Fir¡[, All true real'Miraclei are effedts of divine Power. Many things prodigious, marvelous, or monfirous, betidesthe common and ordinary produ &ions ofnature, may be afferted, and brought forth by angxtraordinary concurrence of Caufs, not ufually falling in filchajuntureand coincidence; many may be wrought by the great, hidden, and tous unknownpower of wicked J iritr; many things may have an appearance of prodigie andwonder, by the force of Come deceit, pretence, or delufion, that attend themanner oftheir declaration. But.real Miracles are efltEls fo above, bondes, or con - trary to the nature and efficacy of any, or all natural Caufes, that by no application or difpofitíon of them, though never fo uncouth or unufual, they can be produced, and therefore muff of necellity be the effedts of an Almighty Creating Potter, canting fomewhat to exift in-matter or manner out of nothing, or out of that which is more adverfe unto the being or mannerof exillence givenunto it, then nothing its felf. Such are the worksofraifrng the dead; opening the eyes of men born blind, &c. And this Poftionthe Jews will not deny, feting theymake it the foundation of theiradherence unto the Law of Mofes. $, 58, Secondly, When Godputs forth his Miracle-working Power, in the-confirmation of anyword orDodtrine, he avows it to beof, and from himfelf; to be abfolutely and infallibly true; fatting the fitllefl and openeli Peal unto it, which then who cannot difeera his Effence or Being, are capable of receiving or difcernieg. And therefore when