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24Q JefusofNarareth the only TrueandPromi[edMefiah. Apuhius teftifie, and that he wrought wonders by vertue thereof, as Celfns contends at large. And can they fix on a readier courfe to confirm fuch a fufpicion in the minds of Atheif ical Scoffers,' then by their own taking up the fame accufation againft the Author of more, andgreater miracles then thofewroughtby Mofes ? What co- lour ofanfwer can they return unto his reproaches , .whileft themfelves with more open impudence manage the fame sccufätion againft the Lord Jefus ? Befides, as is confeffed,.IEgypt was the flaring ofMagical incantations, the worlds Academy for that diabolical cunning, where, almolt alone,it was had in hónour and reputation.There in the Kings Courthad Mofes his education and converfation forty years. Howmuch . more juft then, though fufficiently unjult, mighta fufpicion feetn concerning himof his being skilled in that falfly called Wifdom, then concerning our Lordlefus who was perfecuted thither, and returned thence in has infancy, which they childilhly objeót unto him ? So that in this whole vain pretence they do nothing but attempt to call down their own foundations. 2.Neither indeed do they account the skill in,and ufeof Magical incantatirns a crime, but an Excellency, Jofapbur would haveus believe that.theArt of Magick, and the inventionof incantations, was part ofthe WifdomofSolomon. And their Talmudi- cal Defers do exprefly approve of that diabolical Art. Nothing" then but extream malice anddefperation, would put them upon inventing this Cloke for their infide- lity, which not only calls down the foundation of their own Profeffion, but involves alfo acontradi6tion unto thofePrinciples, which at other tithes they avouch. So that Rabbi Achar was millaken when he gave" out that as a Prophecy, which was indeed anhflory, namely that a generation of ungodly min among the Jews would not believe the things thatthe Meffiab fhould do, but thould affirm that hedoth them by Art M4gieal. 0. 73. For theblaftbeny its felf , there needs no other anfwer be given Onto 'it , but what was returned by our Lord Jefus of old. If, thefe things had been done by Magical incantations, and confequcutly the Affiance of the Devil , it mull 'heeds be upona divifion of thole wicked fpirits among themfelves, and that upon the mans deign of theirKingdom, Dominionand Interelt in this world. The open and pro- , claimed work of our Lord Jefès in this world, was by allwayes and means toover- throw the Kingdom ofSatan and his works. This heprivately taught; this het/4- declared to be themain endofhis cominginto this world. The Worksand Mi- racleswhich he wrought, were very many, innumerable of them exercifedonDevils, themfelves, to their fhame, terror, anddifpofeJan of the habitations they had invaded. In, and during this work, he declares them to all the-world, to be evil, wicked, malicious, unclean, and lying fpirits, reCerved for everlafhng deftruction in Hell, un- der the wrath of the great God. Forthis caule, they on the other fide ceafed not to oppofe him, and to loir up all the world againl him, untilL they thought they had prevailed in his death. If men therefore Mallimagine or fancy, that the works ofChrift againft the interef ofSatan, upon his Pe, f n, unto his (lime; wrought to confirm a Dodtrine, teachingall the world to avoidhim, abhor him, fight and con- tend againft him, commending every thing-that he hates, with promifes of life eter- nal unto them who forfake him, and maintain his 'quarrel agaiull him, threatning every thing that he loves, and labours to promote in the world with eternal ven- geance, were wrought by his help and filtance, they had more need to be fent una to theplace where the maladies of thofe dißradted of their Witsare attended, then to have an anfwer givenunto their folly: 0. 74 They haveyet another - pretence to preferve themfelves from the efficacy of this felf-convidtion. But this is fo perfeétly Judaiea , that is, fo full of monlirous, ridi- ciulousfigments, that nothing 'but an aim todifcover their prefent defperate folly, and with whatunmanly inventions, they endeavour to cover themfelves from' the light of their own convii ion, can, give countenance unto the repetition of it. Befides theFable its fell is vulgarly known, andI (hall therefore only give a bliefcómpen- dium of it, tieing itmay not be wholly avoided. TheRory they tell us is this ; There was a flow in the Sandfum Sanïforum, under the Ark, wherein was written ShemHamphorafh, ("fo the Cabalifis call the NameJe- hovah)' He that could learn this Name, might by the vertue of it, do what miracles he pleafed. Wherefore the Wife men fearing_what might cnfue thereon, made two Brazen Dogs and Ike themon two Pillars before the door ofthe Sanétuary : And it was fo, that whenany one went, in, and leaned that Name, as he came out, thofe