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î o Jefus ofNazareth theonly True endProm fdMefaiah. ter, îr,amefull and ignominious. death. After which herifeth again frcm the dead, and !hews himfelf neither unto Jews nor Gentiles in common , butt only to fome poor menchofen by himfelf, tobe his Witneffes and Apoffles. Theft begin to teach bothyews andGentiles. the things before mentioned. The Jews more,deeply engaged then formerly, by, having(lain their Matter, immediately perfecute them , and: that unto death. TheGentiles it firít. derideand (corn them, but quickly changed their note, andlet all their Wit and Power at work to extirpatethem, andtheir follow- ers out of the world. The Jewsonmany accounts looked upon themfelves as ru- ined and undone for ever, if their Tef}imony wereadmitted. The Gentiles taw that on the fame fuppofition, they mutt foregoe all theirReligion, and therewith every, thing wherewith they pleafed themfelves in this world. Invifible infernal powers who ruled in the world by Superftition and Idolatry were no left engaged again[! them. With them was neither humane Wuilom or.Counfels nor external force yea, the ufe of both in their work was by their Mailer feverely interdi?ed unto them. Hadnot theTruthand Power of God been engaged with him, and for him, it isfuch a madnefs to fuppofe that this undertaking could havebeen carried on, un- to that ifueand event in the conqueflof mankind, which it at length obtained, as no man not utterly forfakenof reafon, or curledwith blindnefs of mind, or made fenfe- lefs and ffupid by the power of his Lofts, can make himfelf guilty of. Many are the branches of this Argument, many the confiderations that concur in a con- tribution of evidence and ftrength unto it, all which to examine and improve, is beyond our perlent defign. The ,bare propofal of it, is 'fufficient to eaufe all yemieExceptions to vanifh out of theminds of lober and reafonable men. From it therefore , with them that went before, we conclude the third part of our general Thefis the Melab; namely, That Jefus of Nazareth whomPaul Preachedmac He. ExeCc3t°sEff3