Iewr 06jegion.c agaita Chrisian Religion, Rn(,ered. z4.; Exercitatio XVIII. Objetlions of the Jews again{! the Doctrine of Chrijlianity. ]Their principalArgument to Drove the Mefah not yet come. General Anfwer. Principles leading to a right under- (Banding of thePromifis concerning the Meffiab. Redemption and Salvationpromifid by him fpiritually. Folly and !elf-contradillion of the Jews, that expetl only temporal deli- verance by him. Promifis of temporal things, accery and occafonal: Thence conditio- nal. Thegeneral condition of them all fuited to thenature and duration of the King- dom of the Mef%rah. Spiritual things promifed inwords fignifying ßrffly things tempo-. r rat. Keafons thereof: OfPeace ; with God, and in the world. SeedofAbraham, Jacob, Ifrael, Sion, Jerufalem. Who and what intended thereby. All Nations; the World; the Gentiles in thePromif who. Promifs fuited unto the duration of the Kingdom of the Mrffiah. The calling andflouri/hing fíate of the Jews thereon. Particular Promifes may not be underffood, or undergone! arhifì, 'without prejudice to thefaith. Application of theft Principles. Promif rfuniverfalPeace ìn the dayes of the Mellish Ira. 2.2,3,4,5. confidered. Jews Objellion from it, anfwered. OutwardPeace how intended. PromiJés' of the difufion of the knowledge of God. OfVnity in his JYarfhip, Jerem 31. 34. Zeph. 3.9. Zech. 1g. 9. fulfilled. Jerdsexception; anfwered. Promifesconcerning the re- /auration and glorious agate of Ifrael. Fulfilled to the ff>iritualIlrael.. To the. Jews in the appointed fofn. Their calling, and peace enfuing thereon. Hat which remainethfor a dole unto thefe Diftertations, is theconfederation of thole Reafons and Arguments, wherewith the prefent Jews do endeavour, and their fore- fathers for many Generations have laboured, to defend their obflinacy and unbeliefAnd thiswe {hall engage into,with as much briefneflas the nature of the matter treatedofwill admit. Many are the Books which they have writ- ten among themfelves, mofily in the Hebrew Tongue,and ferule in other Languages ; but the Hebrew Charaller, again(: Chrifiians and their Religion. Unto fhndry of theft they give triumphant infulting Titles,as though they had undouhtedly obtained a per- feEt VAleryover their Adverfäries ; but theBookstherofelves in nothing anfwer their fpecious Frontifßieces. Take away wilful miltakes; grofs Paralogifms, falfe Stories, and fome few Grammatical.nicities, and they vanifh into nothing. What is fpoken by them, Or for them, that feems to have any weight (hall be produced and examined. Sundry things they obje& unto the Dorftrine ofthe Gofpel, concerning the Perlin of the Mßiab, or his being Goland man, the rejeétionof the Mofical Ceremonies,and Law , which they deem eternal , and many exceptions they lay again!{ parti- culas paffages and expreffions , in the HiJtorical Books of the New Teliament. But all thefe things have been long (jute cleared and anfwered by others , and I have alto my Pelf fpoken tey the mot/ important of them , partly, in the preceding Dif. tousles ; partly,in my defence of the Deity,and fatisfaStion ofChrift again[! the Socini- ans. For what concernsthe LowofMofes, and the abolition of ir, as to the Ceremoni- oleo bKsrfloip therein inftituted,it mull be at large infifled on in that Expofition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, which there difeourfes are only intended to make way unto. I (ball not here therefore enter upon a particular dilcullion of their Opinions, Argu- ments andObjeofrions about theft things : betides, they belong not immediately to the fubjeét of our prefent Difcourfe. It is about the coming of the Mefab limply that we are dnfputing ; this we altert to be long finte pall; the Jews deny him to be yet come, living m the hope andexpeétation of him, which at prefent is in them but as the giving up of theGhoft. The means whereby this dying, deceiving hope is fapported in them, comes now under examination ; and this alone is the fetbjet of our enfuingDif-ourte. Tocountenance themfelvesthen in their denial of the coming ofthe Mefiab, they do all of them make ufe ofone general Argument, which they leek to confirm in and Ii by