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z14 Ie)sObjections againChriflian `religion, Anfvered, by fcveral infances. Now this is, that the Promifes made and recorded to be ac_ complifhed at the coming of the Meffiah, are not fulfilled, and therefore the Mefliah is not yet come. This fills up their Books of Controverses; and is conflantly made ufe of by their Expofitors , fo often as any occafion Teems to offer its fdf unto them. The Mefliiah fay they ,waspromifed of old. Together withhim, and to be wrought byhim, many other things were promifed. Thefe things they fee not at all fùlnlled; nay, not thofe which contain the only work and bedinefs that he was promifed for ; and therefore they will not fclieve that he is come. This general Argument I fay they feels to confirm by inliances, wherein they reckon up all the promifes, which they fuppofe as yet unaccomplifhed, and fo endeavour to efiab- lifh'their Conclulon. Thefewe (hall afterwards call under the feveral heads where- unto theydo belong, and return that anfwer which the Word of Truth its felt; and the event, do manifetl to be the mind of God in them. For the prefent unto their ge- neral Argument we fay, that all the Pramfis concerning the coining of the Mfjìah, are adfually fulfilled, and thofe which concern hisGrace and Kingdom, are partly alreadyaccotnplifhed, and for the remainder (hall be fo , in the manner, time and feafonappointed for them, and desgned unto them, in the purpofe and.Counfel of God : So that from hence , nothing can be concluded infavour of the Jews incre- dulity: To evidencethe truth of this Aufwer, I (hall lay downand confirm certain unqueflionable principles, that will guide us its the interpretation of the Promifes that are under consderation. 4. 3, The finì is, That the Promifes concerning the Meffiah do principally refftefí fßiritual things, and that eternal falvatioz which he war to obtain for hisChurch. This we have proved at large before; and this, the very nature ofthe thing its fclf, and thewords of the Promifes do abundantly Mandell. The Jews, I fuppofe, will not deny,but the Promífe concerning the Mellah, is of thegréatefl Good that ever God engaged him- felf to bellow upon them. I do not find, that they any where deny. it ; And it is at prefent the fitmm of all their defires, prayers, and expeétations, with the hopes whereof they comfort and fupport themfelves in all their calamities. If they Ihould deny it, it may eafily be proved agáinli them by innumerableTeflimonies of Seri. pture; many whereof have been already produced. Now there can be no Realm of this, but only bccaafe he was to work and el{èEt for them who ever they be, un- to whom he was promifed, the greaten Good, that they can or may be made par- takers of. And if it be only a Goodof an infriot nature that he was to cited, and any other means was to be ufed for that which was more principal and excelknt that means is much to bepreferredbefore him, and above him ; Now what is this Chi:f Good of man? Doth it confill in Riches, Hónor, Power, Pieafures ? the blinddl of theHeathen were never blind enough, to think fo ; nor can any mon entertain any fuch imagination, without renouncing not only all right reafon, but in an efpecial manner, the whole Scripture. I think the Jews will not deny, but that this Good conaRs in the favour of God in this world, and the Eternal Enjoyment of him here- after. Now if the Megiah were promifed only to procure ritale firR, outward, temporary, perifhing things ; and thefe latter are tobe obtained by another means, namely, by the obfervationof the Law ofMofees ; it is evident, that, that is to be preferred infinitely before him ; which that it is not, as wePaid, is manifeR from the whole Scripture, and confirmed by the traditional hope and expee`fation of the Jews. For if they enjoy that which is incomparably the Chiefef Good, to what end do they fo miferably bemoan themfelves in their prefent condition, and with fo much impatience cry out for the coming of their McFah ? Are they filch llaves in their affeéfions unto earthly perifhing things, that living in the enjoyment of all that is needful to procure them the love and favour ofGod, with the eternal en- joyment ofhim, they can have no tell or quiet, becaufe they enjoy not the good things ofthis life? Doubdefs this great expectation, had a greater rife and conk, then now they will own. I knowmen are apt to complain under, and to delire relict from outward trouble; but toplace the main of their Religion herein, when they have Grace, the pardon offin and Heaven onother accounts, this is only done by the Jews. But the truth is, although- they continue in their defires of the coming of the Mfah ; yet they have loll the reafon why they do fo; only this they find, that their fore-fathers from the dayes of Abraham placed all their happinets in his coming; and therefore they think That they alto ought to do Co, though why they cannot tell, or will not underhand, But tIris is that, which we have proved to be