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jews Objections againll Chririian Religion, Answered. 24$ be the objee`t of their faith and expeáation of old, namely, that the Mefah was promifed to be a SpiritualRedeemer; to favethem from Sin, Satan,Death and Hell, to procure for them the favour ofGod,and to bring them to anenjoyment of him. Set this afide, and what have we to do, to contend with the Jews about one that thall come and make War for them, conquer their enemies, and make them rich. Much good may it do themwith filch an one, when he comes. They fay indeed, that having the affluence of all things under him, they (hallbe the better enabled tokeep the Law ofMofes, and fo theway toHeaven will be eafier for them. But I fear that which theymanife(t their hearts to be fet upon as their chide(' end; and aim; will fcarcely much farther them unto any otherend whatever : the lafi endwill not be made the means to another. Not was it otherwifewith their fore-fathers ; Jefhurun waxedfat and kicked. According to their pollute, they were filled, and forgot the Lord : Profperity ruined them; nor did they ever'refortn, hut under fore afidi- ons. The Mefah then that we contend with them about , is a Spiritus/ Redeemer; (uch an one he was promifed to be, as we have abundantly proved. And all Pro. miles of that nature are perfeilly accompli(hed. He is come, and bath faved his people from their fins. He bath made an end of fin , and Made Reconciliation for iniquity, and broughtin everlatlingRighteoufnefs. There is not one Promife con- cerning Grace, Mercy, Pardon, the Love of God, and eternal Blé(fedncfs by the Mefah, which contain the whole of his direét and principal work, but they are all yea and amen in ChriJt kits, are all exaftly made good"and accomplithed. And this is teilified unto bymillions of foals now in the unchangeable fruition of God, and all that ferioufly believe inhim who are . yet alive. And this is tidily to be con- fidered in our enquiry after the accomplifhment of the Promifes, concerning the Coming, Grace, and Kfngomof the Meab. , Secondly, Hence it follows, That all Promifes concerning temporal things, at hiscoining; or by it, are but accefry andoccafional, and fach as direly appertain not tó his principal work, and main defign of his coming. Certain it is, that the whole work forwhich God of old promifed the Mellah, might have been etlèited and fully accompii(h- ed, if not one wordhad been fpoken of anyoutwardadvantage to enfue thereon in this world. Theft Promifes then belong not direlily and immediately to the Covenant of the Redeemer, but are declarations only of the Soveraign Will and Wifdom of God, as to what he woulddo in the difpenfationofhis Providence, at loch and fuck a feafon. Hence two things will enfue. Fish, That all there Promifes may be conditional. Thofewhich concerned the fendingof the Me)Tah for the accomplifhment of his principal work, were abflute, and depended not upon any thing, inany, Or all of theSons of men. Thewhole of it was a meer effect of Soveraign Grace. He was therefore infallibly to comeat hisappointed feafon. But chofe that concern the ditpenfationof Gods Providence in temporal. things, may all of them be conditional. And evident it is, that they have oneCondition annexed to the fulfilling of every one of them:, and that is, that thole who would partake of them, do filial-nit thernfelves unto the Law andRule of the Mega/a. For in the midit of the greatetl colleétion of Promifes in the whole Old Tellament, which at firft view feem to éxprefs the glory of the Kingdom of the Me(fiahin outward things, it is added, the Nation andKingdom that willnot feerve them fhall perifh ; yea, chofe Nations(bail be utterlywafted, Ifa. 60. r 2. So that all the happi- nefs intimated depends on the condition of mens fubmitting thernfelves to the Lam ofthe Mefah, without which they are ttireatned with defolation and utter walling. This condition belongs unto them all; and what other particular confederations there may be , on which their accomplifhment may be fufpended, we 'know not. Secondly, It follows alfo from hence, that as to the times; feafons, and places of their accomplifhment, they are left unto, the defignation of Gods Soveraign Will, Wifdom andPleafure,'as are thofe of all other works of his Providence whatever. It is not neceffary that they thould all of them be accomplithed at the faine time, or in the fame place, or after the famemanner. God may, and God Both fulfill them when,where, how, and towards whom he pleafeth ; fo that in the iffue they (hall all have thataccomplifhment which he bath defigned unto them, and which the Churchbathground to expeO . And thus pathGod provided that they thould be a ground of comfort and dire Pion to the Church in áll Ages,, containing encourage- ments unto obedience, and confolations in what his Saints may expeóhto fall upon Ii z their if. 4,