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246 yewObjeElions againfl Chri(lian Religion, Anfiered. their perfécutingadverfaries. The Yews indeed, who know not evenhow to fancy the Kingdom of their Mefah to be any other, but what the Roman.Common-wealth of 1,22c only, was like to prove, res unius- etatir, thebufinefi ofone age, would have all thefe temperal promifes tobe fulfilled allat once, momenta turbinio, all on a Gulden. .Bu 4tg, real Kingdom of Chriff being tocontinue through many Generations, even from comingunto the end ofthe world, and that in filch a varietyofRates and conditions asGod faw conducingunto his own glory, and the exercife ofthe faith and obedi- ence of his people, the accomplifhment of theft promifes in feveral Ages; and at fe- veral feafons, according to thecounfel of thewill ofGod, is exceedingly fuited unto the Nature, Glory andExaltation of And this one obfervation may be eatìly im- proved to, the fruftrating all the objections of the Jews, from the non- aceomplifhmerìt pretendedof thefe promifes. Thirdly, Whereasfpiritual things have the principalplace and contderation in"the Work and Kingdom ofthe Mejials, they are oftentimespromifed in words whole fit' tViK4tion,, denotes things temporalandcorporeal. And this came topats, and wa`s fo ordl rbd on fe- veral accounts. For, firft, the very way andmanner ofthe Prophets exprefioit oftheir Revelations,wherein after theway ofthe people ofthe Eaf; they made rife ofmanyMetaphors and Alegorier, lead them fo to fet forth fpiritual things. That this was the cuftom of the Prophets, as they exprelly own it, and is manifelt in their writings, foit isçonfelfed by the Jews, who, in their Expofitionsof them, do ever and aliengrant, that this and that is to be interpretedLttno ll that is Allegorical }' Now when it isgranted, that thefubjeámatter treated on is principally fpiritual, all theft Metaphors are plain and eafily, accommodated unto the principal fcope and end intended. Again, as this was the mannerofthe Prophets, fo it is a way exceedingly itoftru- dive, and fuited to convey an apprehenfion and fenfeof the things treated on, unto theminds and underftandings ofmen. All men know the worth andufefuheft of the precious things ofthe Creation, Gold, Silver, precious Stones ; of the deferable things of natural life, Health, Strength,long Life ; ofthe good thingsof men incivil converfation, Wealth, Riches, Liberty, Rule, Dominion, and the like. Menknow fomcwhat of the worth of there things, and commonly cfteem them above ir. Now what is likely more to affed their mindswith, and raife their affections untofpiriruallthings, thento have them propofed unto them under thenames oftheft things, whof Excellency they are fowellacquainted withall, andwhole enjoyment they fo much delire. For nothing can be moreevident unto them, then that God in thefe condefcenfìons unto their capacities, dothdeclare, that the things whichhe promifeth, are indeed the' molt excellent anddefinable that they can be made partakers of Thirdly, the fiate and condition of the Church of old, requiredPoch a way of in- flrufuion. For as they had then in the Covenantof the Land of1znaart, many Pro- miles of earthly and carnalthings, fo they themfelves were carnal, and received great encouragement toabide in their expeetationof thecoming of theMeffiab, from that outwardGlory whichheyapprehended that itwould beattended withall. Betides, the timewas not yet come, wherein the veil wasto beremoved, and believers, were with open face to behold thegloryofGod. And therefore although thisway ofin- ftruLìion by Similitudes, Metaphors and Allegories wasfuited, aswe obferved, in general, to affect their minds, and to ftir úp their affections, yet it did not give them that clear diftinét apprehcnfionof thethings ofthe KingdomoftheMejlah,whichwas after- wards revealed. Godhad other work todo among them,by them, andupon them,then openly and plainly to reveal,jtis whole Counfel in thefe things unto them. Hencethe Prophets themfeives, who received the Promifesand Revelations treated of; from God, were fain to enquirewith all diligence into the nature ofthe Office, Work, Sufferings and Glory oftheMejab, which they prophehied unto the Church about, 1-Pet. 1. r r, 12. andyet alltheir enquiry came fhort ofthe underftanding ofthofe myfteries, which he had, who only law the Melfiala come in the flail, anddied before he had ac- accomplithed his work. But inall theft promifes, there was próviliionlaid in to com- pel, as it were, the molt carnal mind -to look principally after fpiritual things, and to own anAllegory in'theexpreffions of them. Formany of them are fuch, Or otherwif, haven tolerable fignificationor fenfe, nor ever thall haveaccomplifhment unto Eter- nity. Can any,man befo flupidly fottifh as to think, that its the days ofthe Mfioh, hiAsfball leap, and trees clap their hands, and reaffe places fing, andfheepof[Cedar and rams ofNebaioth, be made minifters, and Jews fuck, milkfrom the brcafta ofKings, and little children 4. 5-