Ten's Objedici againf ChriJ ienReligion, Anfroered. 247 children playwith Cockatrices, literally and properly ? Andyet thofe things, with innu- merableofthelike kind are promifed. Do they notopenly proclaim to every under- itanding, that all theexpreffions of them are Metaphorical, and that Come other thing is to be fought for in them. Someof the Jews I confrfs, would fainhave them all litte- rally fulfilled untoa tittle. They wouldhave atrumpet to be blown, that all the world fhould hear, mountains to be levelled, fear to be dried up, wilderneffr to le filled with fprings and refit, the Gentiles carrying Jews upon their. Shoulders, and giving themall their gold and lilver; but thefolly ofthefe imaginations is unfpeakable, and the blind- nefsof their Authors deplorable; neither togratifie themmull weexpofe theWord of God to the contempt and fcorn ofAtheilical fcoffers, which futh Expofitions and Applicationsof it would undoubtedlydo. Now this rule which we infilt upon is efpe- cially tobe heeded, where fpiritual and temporal things; though far diftant in their natures, yet do ufually. come under the fame Appellation. Thus is it with the Peace that is promifed in the days of the Meah. Peace is either fpiritual and eternal with God, or outward and external with men in this world., Nowthere thingsare not only divers, and fuch as may be diltinguilhed one from the other, but fach as whole efpe- cial nature is abfolutely different ; yet are theyboth Peace, and fo called.. The former is that which was chiefly. intended in the comingofthe Mellrah ; but this being Peace alto, is often promifed in thofewords, which in their firfffignification denotes the later, or outwardpeace in this worldamongft men. And this is frequent inthe Prophets. Fourthly, By thefeed ofAbraham, by Jacob, and Ifrael in many places ofthe Prophets, not 4, g, the carnalfied, at leaf}not all thecarnalfeed ofthem is intended ; but the children ofthe faith ofAbraham,. who dre the inheritors of the promife. Here I acknowledge, the Jews univerfaljy differ from us. They wouldhave none but themfelves intended in thole expreflions; and what ever is fpoken concerning thefeed of Abraham, ifit be not ac- complilhedin themfelves, theyfuppofe it bathnoeffèâ on anyother in the world. And from this apprehenfion an objeétion was raifedofold againft the dottrine of our Apo- file, For on fuppofition that Jefuswas the Megiale, and that the bleffing was to ,be obtained by faith in him, whereas it was evident that far the greateft part of the Jews b'elieved not in him, it would feem to follow, that the promifi ofGod made to .Abraham was ofnone effeur: Rom. 9. r. But the Apoftle anfwers, that the promife did never be- longunto all the carnalfeed ofAbraham ; for whereas he had many foes, one ofwhom, Ifbmael, was his firft-born, yet Ifaac onlyinherited the promife. And whereas Ifaac himfelf hadtwofans, Yet one only ofthem, and he theyounger, enjoyed the priviledge; and all this proceeded from the erpecial purpofe ofGod, who takes into that priviledge whom he pleafeth. So was his dealing with the Jews at that time ; he called whom heplealedto aparticipationofthe promife, and paffed by whom he would; whereby itcame to pats at laic, that all the let obtained, and thereit were hardned. Now thefeed to whom the promife is given, are thofe only that obtain it by faith, being chofenthereunto, the refidue being notintended inthat appellationof/Pad, Jacob, the foes andfeed ofAbraham. Moreover, as thofe only ofthe carnalfeed ofAbraham, who embrace the promife are receivedin this matter to be his feed, fo all that follow the faithofAbraham, and believe unto Righteoufnefs as he did, are his fopsand the feed ofthe promife, although carnally they were not his olhfpripg. The famealfo is to be laid concerning thofe names of Sion and I-fterufakm, of both which fach glorious . things are fpoken. I fuppofe nonecan imagine,that it is the little Hill fo called, orthe beets and buildings oftheTown that God did fo regard. But one of them having beenfor a feafon in thedays of David, thefpecial place of his worfhip, and the other the principal habitat;pn of Church and people, God expreffethhis Love and Good- will tohis Churchand Worfhip under thofe names ; and it is a fond thing to fuppofe; that the refpedts mentioned fhould be unto thofe places themfelves, which now for athoufandyears have lain wafte and defolate. Thofe proms es then which we find re- corded concerning Sion, Hierufalem, the feed of Abraham, Jacob, ¡feel, do refpeét the Ele&of God, called unto the faith ofAbraham, and worfhippingGod according unto his appointment, be they ofwhat People or Nation focgerunder heaven. And this we have proved before, in our differtation about theOnenefiof the Church, of the Old and New.Teftamènt. Fifthly, By allpeople, all Nations, the Gentiles, all the-Gentiles, not all abfolutey, ef¢eeiallly . 7, at anyonetime orfeafan, are to be underffood ; but either the moil eminent and moff famous ofthem; or thofe .in whom theChurch, by reaCon oftheir vicinity, Itmore eJ eaially 'concerned. Gad oftentimes charged the Jewsofold; that they had worfhipped the gods ofall the