á p aq,8 f evr Objections againft Ghriïaneligion, Bnfvercd. the Nations ; whereby yet not all Nations abfolutely, but only thole that were about them, with whom they had commerce and communication, were intended. Thole Expreflions then of all Nations, and all Kingdoms who are laid' to come into they Church, and fubmit themfelves unto the Kingdom of theMeah, at his coming, do not denbte all abflutely in the world, efpeciallyat any one time or feafon, but only fuch as are either moil eminent among them ; or fuch as God would caufe his light and truth to approach unto. And thofe which in an efpecial manner Item to be de- figned in thole prophetical expreffions, are that colleélion of Nations whereof the Roman Empire was conflituted, which obtained the common appellation ofthe whole World,being for the mainofthem the pofterity ofJaphet,who were tobe perfwaded to dwell in the Tents ofShem. The Jews would have all Nations abfolutely to be in- tended ; and Kimcbi , with Aben Ezra tells us on Ira. z. 4. in thofe words of the Prophet, He Jhall judge among the Nations; that all Nations of the EarthJhall live at peace; for what ever controverftes they have among themfelves, they fhall come and refer the determination of them to the Meffiah living at Jerufakm. But how this fhouldbe done by all the Nations of the Earth abfolutely, they are not pleafed to declare unto us. Certainlythe heat of fotneof their differenceswill be much abated, before they have made a full end of their journey. 4, 8, Sixthly, It muff be obferved, that what ever is tobe done and effetïed by the Spirit, Grace, or Power of the Mefab during the continuanceof his Kingdom in this world, it is mentioned in thePromifes, as that whichwar to be accom lifhed, at, or by bit coming. But here, as we before obferved, lyeth the miftake ofthe Jews; what ever is fpoken aborit hisWork and Kingdom, they expo& to have fulfilled en it were in a day, which neither the nature of the things themfelves will.bear, nor is it any way fuited unto. the Glory of God , or the duration of this Kingdom in the world. TheKingdom of the Meffiah is prophefied of, tobe letup in the room of the other great Kingdoms and Monarchies that arein the world. And ifwe take an instance in the lait Mo- narchy ofDaniel,namely theRaman,it is fpoken of, as that whichcame forth as it were all at once into the world, and did all its work immediately; when we know that from its fielt rife to the end of the thingsthere fpoken of, there palled above the (pace of a thoufandyears. But yet all the things afcribed unto it, are mentioned as attending its rife and coming, and that becaufe they were inprocefs of time aitected by its power. And in likemanuer, all the things that are foretold about the King- dom of theMeffiah are referred unto his Coming, breach before that they were not wrought, and they are produced by his Spirit and Grace, the foundationof them all being pettedly and unchangeably wrought in what he did and effected upon his frft coming and appearance. It is nowonder then that many particular promifes Teem as yet to be untulflled : for they were never defigned to be accomplifhed, in a day, an year, an age, one place, or feafon, but in a long trai h of time during the continuance ofhis Kingdom ; that is, from his coming unto the end of the world. And as the care ofthe accomplifltment of thofe promifes is upon, fo theordering of the time and feafon of their being effeéled belongs unto, the Counfel and Will of the Father ; whoas unto his Children and Servants, hath engaged unto him, that he Mould feeofthe travail of his foul in all Generations : and as unto his Adverfariesbath Paid, Sit thouon my right band, until! Imake thine enemies thy footflool. 4.9 Again, There are two Mayes whereby Promifes may be fold to be accompliibed by him who gives them. Theone is, when all is done in refpeét of outward means, helps and advantages,that is needful for that end,and which if mendonot embraceand makeufe of, they are left unexcufable,andhave none to blame for their coning fhort of enjoy- ingthe full benefit ofthe Promifes, but themfelves alone. And in this fenfe all the Promifes contended about, are long fineraccomplifhed towards all the world. There is plentiful provifion made in the doings andDoétrineofthe Mefiiah, as to outward means; for ..the peace pf all the Nations in the world; for the Rime of all falfe Wor- fhip, for the uniting ofJews andGentiles in one body, inPeace andUnity;' and that theft things are not aElually effe&ed, the whole defect lyes in theblindnefs, unbelief, and obstinacy of the ,fons ofmen, who had rather perdis in their fins, then be Paved through obedience to this-Captainof Salvation. 2. God doth fometimes acçompliJb his Promifes, byputtingforth the efficacious powerof bis Spirit andGrace,effeiivally and aeluallly to fulfillthem, by working the things promifèd in and upon themunto wham they arepromifed. And thus are all the Promifes ofGod that con- cern the Meffiah,his Work,his Mediation,with the effeétsof them, his Grace andSpirit, , at