zgo levsObjeJions against Chri.Ilian Religion, firerecl. fell, and the tea deduced immediately from the fame fountain cftruth, it is no hard matter to anfwer and remove thofe particular innances which the Jews produce to make good their general Argument,whereby they would prove the Mrfliah not yet to be come, from the non- accomplifhmcnt of the Promifcs that relate unto his Coming' . ánd' Kingdom. It were a work endlcfs and ufelcfs to undertake the córìfideration ofevery particular Promife, which they wren unto their purpofe. They are not the words themfelves, .but the things iprornifed that are in controverfie. Now thefe, though expreffed in great variety, and on occalions innumerable, yet may be refèrred unto certain general heads, whereunto they doall belong. Andindeed unto thofe heads they are ufually gathered by the Jews themfelves, in all their difputes againft Chri_ ftiians. Thefe then we (hall confider, and thew their, continency with that truth which we have abundantly evinced from the Scriptures ofthcOld Testament, the çorntnon acknowledged principle between us: 4 t 3. Fitadun, they rosin upon that univerfalpeace in the wholeworld, which they take to bepromifed in the days of the Meßiah. To this purpofe they urge the Prophefie re- corded IT. 2. 2, 3, 4. And it 'hall came to paß in the !aft days, that the mountain If the Lords boufi(hall be effablifhed in the top ofthe mountains, and'hall be exalted above the hills, and allnations fh.allflow unto it ; and manypeople fhallgo andfay, Comeye, and let usgo up to the mountain ofthe Lord, to the Poufs ofthe God of Jacob,and he will teach us of his trays, and we will walkinbspaths. For out ofSion /ballgoforth'thé Larc,and the word of theLerd from jerufalem. Andhefballjudge among thenations, andfhall rebuke many people, and:they fballbeat tbtirfwards into plowJhares, and theirfpears iota pruning- hooks: Nation'hallnst lift up (wordáçainff Nation, neither'hall they learn mar any more. This Prophefie is in the' fame words repeated, Micha4.' r; .z, 3, 4: where there is added unto the dole ¿fit, Bat they fbalifit every man under his vine, and under baafig-tree, and nonefhall make the»o afraid. . And the like things are fpoken of, in fundry other places of that Prophetic .S4' In this we agree with the 7ews, that this is a prophetic of the time' ofthc Me ale, ofhis Kingdom in this world ; and do willingly fubfcribe to that rule of Kimchi oie the place, on thole words, in the laff or latter days ; O' 'ri nr rtNa 'TONDO atpii Sa " t7'ttt nrtt i mil In everyplace where there is mentionofthe lafi days, the days ofthe Meffiah are intended, which we have formerly made Me of. We silo rollent untohim, that the 771nM the teacher that thallfrom Jerufalem innrutk us in the Law and will of the Lord, is r1 tt, 1 1L/0 Meffiah the King, which manifens him to be a Prophet no lets thence King; and he alit is the Jtidge that Shall judge among the Nations. Onlywe deftr from them in the"Expofition of the Mountain of the footle ofthe Lord, which they taise to be mount Moria, we the worfhipofGodit felt. Atad whereas both ofus are neceflitated to depart from the Letter, and allow a Metaphor in thewords, for they will not con- tend, that thehill Maria fhall be plucked up by the roots, and taken and fet on the tops of other mountains they know not where, tear can they tell unto what purpofe any fuch thing would be; fo our interpretationof the wordswhich admits only of the molt ufuai figurative expreffion, the place being taken for the war/hip Lei-formed in it, on the account whereofalone it wasever of any tfteeni, is far more cube and natural, then any thing they can wren the remainder of the words unto, fuppoling mount Mona tobe literally underltood. And in this fenfe we affirm thefirlt part of the Prophefie, to be longfnce really, and to the full accomplifhed. For whereas the worfhip ofGod before the coming of Chrin, was confinedunto the Temple at Hierufalent, attended unto by onepoor, 'mall, enslaved Nation, and that in fuch outward contempt and from, that it was no way to be compared with the glory of the ftlfeworfhip of the Nations, and the compliance of multitudes ofpeople unto it, the mountainsbeing far more vifeble, con/lieuous and (lately then that at Hierufàlem, upon his corningand giving out the Lawof God unto the Nations of the world, the moo, the greatest, and the moltglorious of them confentedunto the acceptance of it, and withone content gave themfelves up to the worfhip of,the God ofJacob, whereby the worfhip of the true Godwas notonlyexalted and made more confpicuous, then the lofty hills, and high placesofthe world, wherein they worfhipped their Idols, butthe molt eminènt moun- tains of the whole earth, as that of Diana at Epliefits, andof the Capitol at Lome, were denroyed and defected, and the glory of the worfhip of God was lifted up above them. So that what the Jews think toplead for themfelves, cloth indeed ina manifeft and open Event wholly evert their unbelief. But avoiding theconfìderation hereof,that which they principally infin upon is, thePeace promifed under die Kingdom of the Meffiah ; which, as itfeems to them, is not accomplillied. Ica, fáith one of thea, Men