Ieaxr ©bjeFlion.r againfl,Cbrir`lianReligion, flnfvered. 14.9, Men aref, far frombeating their fwords into Plow-(hares, that within afor hundreds ofyeart, new injtruments of rear, never heard of in the world before, bave been invented among them, whopretend to believein the Meffiah. And this, as they think, makes it appear, that re- ally he isnot as yet come into the world ; the vanity of which pretencemay eafity be discovered from our former Rules, which we (hall briefly make application of unto its removal. For, firsi, The temporal outward Peace ofthe world, if any fuclr thing be here 4, r 5, intended, is not the principal part, matter or fubjedof the Promise, but only an ac- ceff'ry unto it the chief part of it which' concerns the spiritual worship of God,:.. is evidentlyand openly fulfilled. That which is temporal, for the times and feafons of it, is-left unto the fovereign Will and Wifdomof God for its accomplithment. Nei- ther is it necelfary that it should be fulfilled among@ all Nations at once, but only amongstthem who at any time, or in any place, effectually receive the Laws of God from the Me(Tah. What ever then of outward peace is really intended in this pro- mile, as it bath in part already received its accomplifhmenq as we shall thew, fo the whole (hall be fulfilled in the timeandway eif Gods appointment. a. That the words are not to be underftood abfolutely, according to the ftrick exigence of the letter, is evident from that complement of the predi&ion of that in Micah, Every one (hall ft under hoe own vine andfig-tree, therebeing many, not only perfons, but greatNations in the world,that have neither theone nor the other. 3. The Jews themselves do not ex- peckfuck peace upon the coming of their Meffiab. Wargreat and terrible withGog and Magog theylook for,which alío the Scripture mentions ; and thatwith Amillus istheir own faith or fancy : only it may be they would have no body to wage war with but themfelves. For whereas they tell us, thatall Nations ¡hall come with their contro- verfies to be ended by theNeff at Hierufàlem, and by that means prevent war among them : I fuppofe they will not do fo,untill they are fubdued, and thofe Nations broken in pieceswhich will not serve them, which what ever expedition they fancy to them- Idves, may take up at leap half the Reignof their Meffiah, ifhe thould live an hundred years, about which they differ, yea plainly and openly, great wars and defolationof theenemies ofthe children ofGod areforetold under the Meffiah,Ifa.63 t,2, 3,4,&c. 4. I ¡hall not much infifi on that univerfalpeace which God gave unto all the known Nationsofthe world, at the comingof Christ, in the Reign of Aaguftur ; though it look more like an accomplishment of this Prophecie, then what theJews imagine therein : but becaufe it was only coincident with, by the Providence of God, andnot an effeék ofhis coming,,I shill pafc it by only asa diagneffiek. ofthe season wherein the Prince of peace was to be born, and was fo accordingly. But Ifay, 5. That Christ at his corning wrought perfect peacebetween God and Man, flaying the enmity and dif- t ference which by reafon of fin was between them. This alone abfolutely and pro- perly ispeace ; without this,all other outward quiet and prosperity is ruinous and de- ftrudive. And where this is, no Wars nor tumults canhinder, but that the perfons enjoying it [hall be preferved inperfeiï peace; and thisifthe Jews did believe, they would have experience of. 6. He hash allowrought trueffiritual Peace and Lovebe- tween all that fincerely believein him, all his Eleék, which, although it frees them not from outward troubles, perfécutions, oppreffions, and afflictions in the earth, and that from forne alto that may make profeflionofhis Name, ( for Îudah may be in the Siege against 3erufalem, Zaeh. r a. 2.) yet they having peace with :God, and among themfelves, they enjoy the promise unto the full fatisfa&ion of their fouls. And this peace oftheElehl withGod,, and among themfelves, is that which fingly and principally is intended in thisPredichion, though set out under terms and expreflions of the things wherein outward Peace in this world doth confitl. 7. The Lord Christ by his do- (Shinehath not only proclaimedand offered Peace with God untoall Nations, but alfa given Precepts of Peace, andfedf-denial, dire&ing and guiding all the lota ofmen, were they attended-unto and received, to live in Peace among themfelves; whereas the Jews ofold-had exprefi command for War, and deftroying ofthe Nations among whom they were to inhabit, whichgives a greatfoundation unto the promiles of Peace in thedays ofthe Meah. S. Letit be fuppofed, that it is general outwardPeace, Pro- fperity andTranquility that is here promifed unto the world ; yet then; t. The pre- cife timeof itsaccompli(hment is not here limited nor determined. If it be effèhed during the Kingdom and Reign ofthe Meffiah in the world, theword is eftablifhed, and the Prophetie verefied. a. OurLord Jefus Chrifl and his Apoftleshave fore-told, that after his Law and Doctrine fhould be received in the world, there fhould a K k great