2$0 yeaObjeElions aga4ChrieianReligion, Anf'ered. great defe6hon and Apoffafie from thepower and purity of it enfue, which fhould be attended with great perfecution, troubles, affli6ions, wars and tumults, whichafter they are all removed, and all his Adverfaries fubdued, he will give peace and ref un, to his Churches and People all the world over and herein, and in that feafon which now approacheth, lies the accomplifhment ofall thepromifes concerning the glorious and peaceable elate ofthe Church in this world. Take then this Prophete in what fenfe foever it may be literally expounded, and there is nothing in it that gives the the leaf} countenanceunto the Judaica! pretence from the words. 4, 16, Thenext collee `tionof promifes which they ínfìf upon to their purpofe, isofthofc which intimate thedeftruétion of Idolatry and falfe. worfhip in the world, with the abundance ofthe knowledge ofthe Lord,taking away all diverfity in Religion,rhat (hall be in the days of the Meßiah. Such is that ofJerem.3 t. v.39.7beyJhall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brotber,faying,Know the Lord,fir theyfhall all knowme from the greateJf ofthem to the leaff of them,''faith the Lord. And Zeph. 3.9. I will turn to'the people a pure language, that they may call on the name ofthe Lord with one confnt. As like- wife that of Zach. t¢. 9. And the Lard AIMbe King over all the earth. In that day /1iä11 there be one Lord, and his Namejhallbe One. And fundry other predi kions there are ofthe fame importance, all whirlsare to beaccomplifhed at the coming of the Meßieh. But for the prefent we fee, fay they, the contrary prevailingin the world. Idolatry is fill continued, and that among the Chrifians themfelycs; diverfities of Religion abound, fo that there are nowmorefeitr and opinions in the world ; nor can the yews and Chriifians agree in this very matter about the fliah ; all which make it evident, that he is not yet come, who fhallput an end to all this flate ofthings. 4. 17. AnJrv. It will prove iii the tibie, that the mention of thefe, as well as ofother Pro- miles, will turn to their difadvantage. Theiraccomplifsment in the Cenfe of theScri- pture bath been fo plain, evident and manifèf, that nothing but Prejudice and ob- ftinate blindnefs can once call it into quelliou. For the further manifcltation hereof, we mayobferve, r. That chele things are not fpoken abf lately, but comparatively ; Ie is not to be thought, that in the days of the lYleßiah, there (hall be tao means of in- frudion in the knowledge ofthe Lord ufed ; as that Parents ftould not teach their children ; the Officers of the Church and others, thole that farad in need of teaching: for neither do the 3ems indeed imagine any filch thing, nor can they do fo, without the rejedtionofthe Preceptsof the Law ofMotes, and the PredicStions recorded in the Prophets, wherein God promifeth, that in tho days he will give the people Pafforo after hisown heart, Prieffs andLevites, toteach them his mind and will. But this is that whichis fignified in thefe expreffions; namely, that in thofedays there (hall befuck a plentiful effufon of the Spirit of Wifdom and Grace, as shall caufe the true Paving knowledge ofGod to be more èafilyobtained, and much more plentifully to abound, then it did inthe time of the Law ; when thepeople, by are hard yoke, and infappor- table burden of carnal Ordinances, were darkly, meanly, and difficultly inftrueted iu fume part of theknowledge ofGod. And that thewords are thus to be interpreted, the many promifes that are given, concerning the inftru&ion of the Church, in the. days of the Mefliah, and his own Office, of being the great Prophet of the Church, which the Jews acknowledge, do undeniably evince. 2. That the terms of all people. and Nations are neceffarily to be underfibod as before explained, for many Nations, thofe in an efpecial manner, in whomthe Church ofChrif is concerned ; neither can any one place be produced, where ataabfalute univerfality ofthem is intended. 3. That the feafon ofthe accomplifhmentof thefe atad the like Predìdions, is not limited to theday or yearof the Meßiah's coming, as the Jews, among( other impolhble fictions,' imagine ; but extends itfell unto the whole duration of the 'Kingdom of theMcJiah, ashath been fhewed before. 4. That God fometimes is faid to do that, which he maketh provifion ofoutward means for the effecî.'ingóf, though as to fotne perlons and times, they may be fruftrated of 'their eflèét ; and this the Jews not only ac- knowledge, but alto contend for, when they give an account why the promifes which concern themfelves are not yet fulfilled, the reafon whereof they fuppofe, or at leale pretend, tolie in their fin and unworthinefs. 4. Is, Thefe things being fitppofed, we may quickly fee what was the Event, as to thoC Ptomifes, upon the comingof the true and only Mefiah : For, r.It is known to all, and not denied by thofe with whomwe have to do, that at the coming ofJefvs of Nazareth, fetting abide that knowledge and worfhip of God which was in Judeá, a little corner ofthe earth, and that allo by their oavn'confe;fion then horribly defiled and