Ielvls ObjeFlions again/l Chrijlian Religion, e nfvrered. t i and profaned the whole world, efpecially the greateft and molt potent and flourifii- ing Nations of it ; inparticular the whole Roman Empire, efpecially concerned in thefe predi pions, was utterly ignorant of the true God, and engaged in the Worfhipof Idols and Devils, and that from time immemorial 2. That although the Yews had taken great pains, and compafled Sea andLand tomake Profet'yrer, yet they Wereve- ryfew, and thofe very obfcure perfons, whom they could at any time , or in any place prevail Withal' to receive the knowledge, or give up themfelves unto the Wor- fhip of the God of Ifrael; ofconverting People or Nations unto his obedience , they now entertained the lealt hopes. 3. Ir is manifet to all theworld, that not only upon the coming of Jefiu, but alto by vertue of his Law and Dodrine, all the Old Idolatry of the world was deftroyed, and that whole fabrick of Supertition, which Satan had been fo many Ages engaged in the ereEtion of, was eat to the ground, and thofè Gods of theEarth winch the Nations worfhippedutterly famifhed. Hence it is come to pats at this day, that noPeople or Nation under Heaven loth continue to worfhip thofe Gods, which the Old Empires of the World adored as their Deities, and in whole lërvice they wagedWar againft the God of Ifrael and his people. And all that knowledge that is atthis day in the world of one true living God; and the rece- ptión of theGod of Ifrael, for that true God, however abuled, as it is by fonte, Mahu- metans and others, it did all originally proceed from the Dodfrine of JefxsGhrijl, whom thefeungrateful people hate and perfecute. Had it not been for him and his Gofpel, the true God, the Godof their firefathers, had been no more owned in the world at this day, then he was at his coming in the flefh s and yet thefe poor blind- ed creatures, cats fee no glory in him or in his Miniltry. 4. The Lord Jefas Chrift by his Spirit and Word, did not only defiroy Idolatry andfa f Woojhip in the world, but alfo broughtthe grcateit and molt potent Nations of it to the Knowledge of God, that in companion of what was pall, it covered the earth, as the Waters rover the Seas. This theJews law and repined at in the flourifhing times ofthe Roman Empire, when the Lord was one, and his Name was one, in the whole earth, as that Exptellion is ufed in theScripture. 5. The Way whereby this Knowledgeand Wor- fhip of the true God was difperfed over the face of the earth, and fpread its fell hke an inundation of favingwaters over the world, was by fuels a fecret energy of the fpirit ofChrift accompanyinghis Word and the Miniltrationofit, that it whol- ly differed from that operous, burdenfbme, and for the moft part ineffeétual way of teaching which was ufed by the Priets, Levites, and Scribes of old ; therebeing mach more of the efficacy ofGrace, then of the pains of the Teachers feen in the Effedts wrought and produced, according to the Words of the Promife, Jerem31 34. 6. In this diffulion of the knowledge of God, there was way made for the Union, Agreement, and joint Confent in Worship, ofthofe that should receive it. For both thepartition wall between yews and Gentiles was removed, and both people did adually coalefce into one body, wor(hipping God with one lip and (houlder, and allo anholy and plain way of fpirituall Worfhip was prefcribed unto all, that fhould, or did em- brace the Law of the Mefjiah. 7. Notwithstanding all that hath been already ac- complifhed, yet there is Itill roomand time left and remaining for the further accomp- lìntment of thefe prods Lions, fo that before the dole ofthe Kingdom of the Mef- fiah, not one Tittle of them (hall fall to theground. And thus allo, the openEvent, known to all the world, doth manifet the due a, nd full accompli(hment of thefe Promifes, making it unqueftionable, that theMeßiab is long (race come, andbath ful- filled thework that he was deigned of old unto. Neither are the Exceptions of the Jews of any force to invalidate our Application S. t9 of thefe Promifes. Two things they objeét unto us. Find, the Idolatry that is yet its the world; e#ecially among Chri(lians. Secondly, The differences inReligion that every where abound amongft men. For r. We have (hewed already, that thefe and the like Prediétions are to have a gradual accornplifhment, not all at once, in every place. It is fufficient that there is an everlafting foundation laid for the de- ilruétion of all falfe Worfhip, winch having had a confpicuous and glorious Effect in the molt eminent Nations of the world, fufficient to anfwer the intention ofthe Pro- phecy, than yet further in the appointed feafons root out the remainder of all füper- ftition andApotacy from God. 2. For what concernsChriilians themfelves, it can- not be denyed, but that many who are fo called,have corrupted themfelvès, and con- ,traded the guilt of that horrible iniquity, which they charge upon them. But this being the crime and guilt of force certain Perlons, and not of the whole foci- K k 2 ety