25z yearObjections agàinft Chri/iianReligion, 4nfwered. ety of the Profefforsof Christianity, ought not tobe objefded unto them. AndI de- fire to know by what means the Jews fuppofe that themfelves and the Nations of the world (hall be kept from Idolatry and falfé Worfhip in the dayes of their Meßiab : ifitbe, becaufe their Mefiah fhall give Inch perfect LaW, and fuchfull inftruélions in themind and will of God, that allmen may clearly know their duty, we fay that this is already done, in the higheft degree of perfection that is conceivable , but what ifnotwithflandingthis, menwill follow their own vain, reafonings and inn; ginations, and fall from the rule of their obedience intoWill-morfhip and Superfli- tion, what remedy have they provided againft fuch backlliding; if theyhave none, but only the prelfingupon them their duty to the Law; Word, and Inftitutions of God ; wehave the fame, and do make ufé of it, to the fame end andpurpofe. If they (hall fay, that their Meab will kill them and flay them with the (word, wecon- fefi that ours is not of 'that mind; and delire them to take heed, leali, in the room ofthe holy, humble, merciful Kings promifed the Church, they look for and delire a bloody Tyrant, that fhould exercife force over the thirds of men, and execute their revenge and lufts on thofe whom they like not. 3. This Apoffacy of fome Profef- fors ofChrißianiy, into falfe Wor[hip , Idolatry and Perfecution is. foretoldobfcurely in theWritings of the Old Téffamentit Jelf, but moll plainly in thofe of theGofpel, or Revelations made by the LordChrift unto his Apoftles concerning the ftate of the Church unto theend of the world ; fo that from thence no impeachment can arife againft our Interpretation ofthe predictions infifled on, which have a perfect coin- cidence therewithall, 4. The fame is the Prate of things in reference-unto what they 9bje6h about the variety ofReligions that are in the world, and the multitude ofSells which everywhere fpringúp: For I. Although de fallo there are at this time fundry falfe Religions in theworld, andamongft them that which is profelfed by the yen's, yet dejure they ought not to be, there being one.true Religion fufficiently declared and promulgated unto the children ofmen. For whereas the Jews andothers dowilfully [hut their eyes againft the light and evidence of truth, the guilt and mifery is their own, the Lord Chrift having gracioully provided, and tendered unto them means of better inftrucì'ion. And z. It is a miflake , that the different Opinions and Sefds that are amongft Chrifl:ians,themfelvesdo conüitutedifferent Religions. For as, they all agree in the Worlhip of the Godof Ifrael by Jefus Chrift the Mefah, which contains the fumm of their Religion, fo their profefliion its Pelf is not tobemeafured by the Doctrines andConceptionsoffome amongft them, but by the Scripture which they all receive and acknowledge. This is theReligion of them all, and it is one and the fame, amongft all that receive Jefus Chrift for their Saviour. That there ate fueh pertinacious contefts about mens different apprehenfionsof the mind of God in the Word, that they labourto impofe their private conceptons one upon another,' is the faultoffome men, whichdoth not prejudice the onenefs of that Religion which is taught inthe Gofpel. Upon All which it appears, thatthe'Promifesinfifted on, have received a glorious and bleffed accomplithment. ß, 20. Thirdly, They infili on the Promifes which concern themfelves; and thefe of all Others they molt mind and urge againft their Adverfäries. Nothing they fay is more certain and evident in the Scripture, then that the People-of Ifael[hall bebrought into a bleffed and profperous conditionby the Mefiabat his coming, and in particu- lar, that byhim they [ball be brought home, into their own Land And to this purpofe, they plead, fa. 11.13. Chap. 52. 54, 60,6r, 62,63, 66. Ter. go. (94 31. Ezefr 36.37, 31, 39, 40, 41, 42. whereunto fundry other places of a like impor- tance maybeadded. But now fay they, infleadhereof, that wholepeople is fcatte- red over the face of the earth, under great miferyand oppreflìon for the moll part, without the leali intereft in the Countrypromifed unto them.- And from hence it is, that they molt obllinately conclude,.that the Mefiah is not yet come; for until! they are rich, wealthy, and powerful they will not believe that God is faithfull. Anfm.Itwould be too longa work, and not fuitableuntoour prefent defign, to go over all the Promifes in particular, which teem to have an afpefd this way , or wherein mention is made of Abraham, thefedofAbraham, Jacob, Iliad;and the peo- ple of Ifrael andJudah. Befides, the Expofitionof themmay readily befought from Many Learned Commentaries extant in all Languages on theProphecies of the Old Teflament. I (hall therefore only give Inch general Anfwers, as being applyed unto the feveral particular inftances, will manifeft the infufficiencyof the Jews Ar- gument from Promifesofthis Nature. 1. Then in the confideration of thefe Pro- mites