Je1Ps Objection., again/l Chris7ian `religion, 4nfierect . miles we muff carefully didinguith, between thofe who had their Mt, ar leafspr;n-, cipalaccomplishment in that return of the people from the C=privity of B.alylm, ait I thofé which have a direct refpeft unto the dayes of the Mefiab. It is known that the'Prophets do very ufually kt out that merciful] deliverance, inMetaphorical Ex- prefjions, fo to fet off the greatnefs of the mercy its felf. But the prefent Jews who now look for the accomplithhig of all the moll flrained A11g,rics in a literal fence , fiippofing that the deliverance which their füré-fathers then obtained, becaufe of their enfuing trouble and poverty , did not antwcr what is fpoken of it , do wreft them all to the times of the Mßish, when they hope they (hall receive them in full meafure. For they reckon of all things according to their outward gain and profit, and not according to the manifesta- tion, of the Love and Glory of God therein. Thele Promfes than are in the firfi place 'to be fet apart , as not concerned in our prefent bolindi and diiferc.nce. 2. We have manifefled before , that there is mention of a double Ifae1 in the Scripture; the pirituál Ifael, that is, all the foss of the faith of Abraham in allAges and places throughout the world ; and an Ifrael according to the daft, or the carnal posterity of Jacob, which the prefent Jews are. This ddtindion we have elfewhere confirmed. 'Now many of the Promifes pleaded, belong to I,%rael in the first fenfe, that is, the Church and people of God , who by faith are ad- mitted into the Covenant of Abraham , and fo made inheritors of the Promifes. And thefe allo which are by far the greatelt number , are to be fet' afide from our prefent contideratioir of them. 3. It hath been proved , that oftentimes JPiritual things are expreffed metaphorically in theProphets, by words whichin their literal firft feüfe denote things outward and corporeal. This is fufficiently evi- dent from the inftances formerly given, wherein filch things are fpoken, as it is utterly impoflible that they fhould have a literal accomplifhment, and of the like fort there are others innumerable. And thus molt of the predie`tions that con- cern Peace, and Profperity , mull neceffarily intend fp;ritual peace with God , be- cattle concerning the fame feafons, .Wars, andTrials-are in other places foretold 4. Whatever is foretold and promifed concerning the Jews themfelves-, in the dayes of theMfiiah, doubtlefs they have. no ground' nor colour of reafon to ex- pea the accomplilhment òfir, until they receive him, own him, and fubmit un- to him, which to this day they have not done. When Mfrs went forth to vifit them of old in their diftrefs, and flew the IEgyptian that fmote one of them, becaufe they refufedhim, and would not underftand that it was he 'whom God would deliver them by, and endeavoured to betray him to death, their bondage was continued forty years longer, and yet at length by the fame Moles were they delivered : And although they have refufed and reje&ed himwhowas promifed to be their'Saviour, and fo continue to this day in theircaptivity fpiritual and tem- poral, yet it is he, by whom in the time appointed, they (hall be delivered from the one and the other. But this (hall not be done untill they own and re- ceive him ; which when God (hall give them hearts to do , they will quick- ly find the bleffed fuccefs thereof. For, y. Wegrant that there are many Promifes on record in the Scripture concerning their gathering together, their returnto God by the Meffiah, with great Peace and Glory that. (hall enfue thereupon. Set sfide their opinion concerning theperpetuity of the Ceremonial Law, and their return in the obfervation of it,; unto theircarnal Ordinance-s,-built-err afuppofreiorr tiratecd is pleafed with the blood of Bulls and Goats for its ownJàke , and not for a fig- ni &cation of that which was infinitely more excellent and glorious ; an apprehen- fion which the whole world bath as it were by joint conCnt longago renounced; and cad away the vain and foolish imaginations about their fenfual pleafures, Be- hemotb, theWine ofParadise, and literal accomplifhment of profeffed,Allegories,which thewiled among themfelves begin to be alhamed of : and there is nothing in their own expe6tations, but We acknowledge that they (hall be made partakers ofit. Re- turn they fhall to theirown Land, enjoy it for a quiet and everlafting poffeflion, their Adverfaries being deftroyed : filled they (hall be alto with the Light and Know- ledge .,of, the Will and Worship ofGod, fo as to be a guide and bleflìng unto 'the re- Gdue oftheGentiles who feékafter the Lord , and it may be, be entrufted with great Empire and Rule in the world. The mod of there things are foretold con- cerning them. , not only in their own Prophetical Writings , but allo by the Divine Writers of fitndry Books of the New Teftatnent. But all this we fay mutt 53