Z4 IewsObjeEliooiasag4inflChriflian Peligion, A1nfered. mull come topafs, when the veil thall be taken from before their eyes, and they {hall look on -him whom they have pierced, and joyfully receive him whom they have fin_ fully reje&ed for fo many Generations. Until] this be dope, they may wrcttle as they canwith their own perplexities , and comfort themfelves as well as they are able in their miferies, get money in their difperfons by all unlawful! Arts and imaginable, and expofe themfelves to the delufionsoflospoftors,falfeProphets and pretenders tobe their Deliverers, which to their unfpeakable mifery and ri,proach they have now doneten times s deliverance, peace, tranquility, acceptance withGod and man, they fhall not obtain. Here lyes the Crilir of their condition. When they (hall receive, acknowledge, and believe in that Mefliah who came fo long time fince-unto them, whom their Fathers,wickedly flew , and hanged on a Treei and whom themfelves have lince no legs wickedly rejeéted s. and when by his Spirit and Grace they (hall bè turned fromungodlinefs, and have their eyes °paned to fee theMytterieof the Grace, Wifdom and Loveof God in theblood of his Son, then (hall they obtain mercy from the Godof their fore-fathers, and returning again into their own Land,Jerufalemflsall be inhabited again evenin Jerufalem.