State and Ordinances ofthe Church, Vic. ExercitatioXIX. Ordinances and Inffitutions of they:rdaical Church refßelred and unfolded in the Epiffle tò the Hebrews. Principal Heads of them mentioned therein. The cal! of Abraham, Heb. I I. S, 9, &c. Thefoundation ofthe Church in his [Verity. The name ofAbram ; figni- ficationof it. Changed intoAbraham; itsfignification. The time ofhis Birth and Death. Whence called. Urofthe Chaldees where. And Harau. Extent ofMefopotamia. Mo- tes and Stephen reconciled. Abraham before his call infefred with Idolatry. Time of his call. Infiitution of Circumcifion. End andufe ofit. Time ofthe Ifraelites fojourning in Egypt, Gen. I1. 13 Exod. 12. 40, 41. Ad.7.6. Gal. 3 17. reconciled. The begin- ning and ending of the h3o years. The Eatalperiod of Changes in that Church. Infli_ tution ofthe Pafiover.The time of its celebration.The month. Time ofthe day. p +11ÿ1 7,3 between the Evenings, when. The occafion and nature of this Ordinance. The matter of' it. Themanner ofits obfervance. Sundry things faired to its firf celebration, not after- wardobferved. The number required at the eating oftheLamb. By whom it wn IZilled. Where. Howdref]éd. yews traditionsrejehed. The Feaff of unleavened Bread. Its Kites. Excifion to the negleh of what Ordinances annexed. Jews acknowledge the.figurative natureofthis Ordinance. Of l'rontletsand PhilaCeries, Exod. 23. 9. Signes and memo- rials. The ferlaions of the Law written in theFrontlets. The Jews manner ofmakingtheir Phylac7eries e deceits therein. Their weft in them: fo provedby our Saviour. Of their Fringes,their appointment, making and ufe. Dedication ofthe firft-born males to God. Price of the Redemption of Children: Clofe of God's firff difpenfation towards that Church. Thefolensn voµsOssía. Preparations for it. Remote. Occafional temporary in- ffitutions between the Red-fea andSinai. Of the waters of Marah. The giving ofManna. Derivation and fgnification of the name. Water brought out ofthe Roch, That Rock Chriff. Immediate preparations for the receivingof theLaw. The time that the people carne to Sinai.7beDay. The time ofthe day that the appearance of God's Glory began. The fame time that Chrift rofe from the dead. Theplace. Sinai the name of the moun- tain, Horeb of the Wildernefs. Ofthe Monaffery there. Mofesfirlf Afcent. The ground ofit. Thepeople prepared by the remembrance of Mercies andPromifes. Oftheir wafhing their cloaths. Not a Baptifm offtandingufe. Bounds fet unto the Mount. In what fenfe it might be touched: Heb. 12. 21. How theOffendor was tobe punifhed. -p ¿S 9131 b '? opened. The fixation andorder of the people in receiving of the Law. The minftry ofAn- gels in the preparations for God's glorious pretence., How the People met God, and God them. When Motesufed ante words, I exceedingly fear and quake. THereare in the Epifìlc unto the Hebrewr,either direr di(courfesconcerning, or occal/onal mention is made ofall, or at leali the molt important things in the whole Mofical °economy, and (bite-of the Church and Worfhip of God therein underthe Old T'ellament. Yea, there is nothing material from the call ofAbraham, unto the utmoti i(fue of God's diïp nfations towards his pottcrity, that is omitted byhim. And ifwe have not a previous acquaintance with thefe things, which he frtpppfd in them to whomhe wrote, much darkach and many miflakes muftneeds attend us in the confideratìon ofwhat he treateth on, and the ends which he propofeth unto himfelf. Now becaufe it will no way be expedient, every time the mention ofthem doth occur, or allutïon is made unto them, to in/it upon them as fixlt inítituted. I thoughtmeet in the,clofe of thefeProlegomena, to prefent the Reader with a brief Scheme and delineation of the whole MofàiealOeconomy ; as alfo of thofe other previous coucernments of the Church ill the potlerity ofAbraham, which by the Apolile in this Epiftíe we are called and dire&d unto. As;d they are theft that follow. 1 The call and obedience of Abraham, chap. 1. v. 8, g, io, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. 2. The inllitution and ubrervatioin ofthe P.rff33ver, chap. 11, v. 28. 3. The 295 4